Posted by: thepinetree on 05/28/2024 09:02 AM
Updated by: thepinetree on 05/28/2024 09:02 AM
Expires: 01/01/2029 12:00 AM
Mornings with the One Percent™ Board of Supervisors Streaming Now!
Arnold, CA…Mornings with the One Percent™ is live weekday mornings. The premise for the show is that the USDA ranked all 3,142 counties or county equivalents in the USA on a livability or desirability scale based on factors such as climate, scenic beauty, bodies of water for recreation, humidity and much more. All of our area ranked not only in the top one percent but in the top one half of one percent. So in the ups and downs of daily life remember you don’t have to be a Gates, Buffett or Bezos to live like the one percent. Just live here!
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No Subject Posted on: 2024-05-28 11:34:13By: Anonymous
Thanks Sniveler for telling readers two send there money too Trump it's WORKING!
Hey moron/Anti!! Learn how to use the word "to". You are so fuking lame.
And the local doofuses sending money to Trump are TOO illiterate to comprehend that they are being grifted and conned by the convicted sexual offender. They are getting fuked, just not like E. Jean Carrol. Keep sending him your money. You wont need TO use it, right? Lets see, did I make more than TWO points? Catch my drift illiterate Anti?
Re: Fuk Joe Posted on: 2024-05-28 12:16:17By: Anonymous
Hey Donald, instead of complaining about how unfair it was that you didn't get a 'final say' at your criminal trial, please tell us why you refused to go under oath and testify.
After all, you BS'd us for weeks about how you were going to.
Should President Biden pardon Donald Trump ? Maybe after five years. He needs to show the American people. No one is above the law. He should not be the Republican candidate for president. Because he is a lifelong criminal. Hopefully Chris Christy is still available. Because Nicky Haley just destroyed her political career.