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Remember Me

Posted by: thepinetree on 09/17/2022 06:17 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 09/17/2022 06:42 PM
Expires: 01/01/2027 12:00 AM

The United States Constitution Was Signed on This Day 235 Years Ago

Philadelphia, PA...In these crazy hyper-political times all of us could take a few minutes to reflect that the United States is unique among nations in that we are nothing more and nothing less than a shared belief in a collection of ideas.  We are not Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Irish or even English.  We are Americans by choice!  Our founders were a flawed, hypocritical, group of men and far from perfect.  The documents they created however are as close to perfect as any founding documents for any country ever. From our Declaration of Independence onward our nation has symbolized freedom for not only ourselves but most of the globe.

When we look at our founding fathers and the era they lived it is fashionable currently to see them as evil bigoted men. In many respects that view looking back from 2022 may seem valid.   Slavery was evil and pervasive in a county that espoused "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"? Of course as it was wrong then and today. That wasn't even all of it. There was also a system of indentured servitude where many of all races  many times under duress signed their freedoms away to become servants, workers and apprentices to their masters.

What is forgotten and almost never mentioned is that slavery in its various forms was ubiquitous throughout the world.   That doesn't excuse slavery here but it certainly puts it into a more accurate context.  In fact it wasn't until 1981 that Mauritania finally banned it.

What was unique then was even the concept of true individual liberties. The world at the time and for most of recorded history until then was largely hereditary dictatorships or monarchies and theocracies who ruled on religion or a combination of the two. There were those who ruled and those that obeyed those rules.

What elevates our Founding Fathers is that as a group they codified those "inalienable rights" into a rational government structure that is still the model of the world.

On this Constitution Day I am thankful to have been fortunate that I was born and have lived in the greatest county in the world.

At the end of the day is doesn't matter if you are left or right. What matters is that we continue to believe in the collection of documents and beliefs that enabled the greatest country in all of human history to grow and thrive.

By John Hamilton

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No Subject
Posted on: 2022-09-17 18:39:24   By: Anonymous
We all owe our freedoms to our founding fathers.

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-09-17 19:03:11   By: Anonymous
    We seriously do - and our democracy is sorely at stake due to those are determined to destroy it year after year.

    [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-09-17 19:16:35   By: Anonymous
    We seriously do - and our democracy is sorely at stake due to those who are determined to destroy it year after year.

    [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-09-17 21:18:35   By: Anonymous
And now, the liberal, progressive Democrat Socialists are doing their best to bring America to its knees. VOTE RED ACROSS THE BOARD !

[Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-09-17 21:32:21   By: Anonymous
I agree with you John, and I suggest all Trump supporters read the constitution! You are carelessly and dangerously close to jeopardizing what America is founded upon!

Don’t talk about “freedoms” and then take away women’s rights. Don’t talk about patriotism and then restrict citizens from voting. And please don’t talk about supporting law enforcement and police and then defend a violent insurrection with murders and damage to our own capitol building with intend to do more harm!

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-09-17 23:21:23   By: Anonymous
    I understand from your perspective why you might feel that way. I believe a mother should have the right to choose up to a point. If an unborn child has developed enough that it has even the slightest chance of survival outside the womb then it is now longer a "choice" but an American Citizen with rights and the prospect of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-09-17 23:29:17   By: Anonymous
      I think everyone wants anyone who is legally allowed too to vote. The rub is that if you have voting rules that are too lax and in many states a true audit of votes isn't structurally even possible it makes it so no one trusts the process.

      Voting integrity isn't a partisan issue. Both sides should want it. If one side won't allow the process to be open and verifiable then by default everything they say and do on voting is suspect.

      [Reply ]

        Posted on: 2022-09-17 23:38:20   By: Anonymous
        History is a funny thing. It was impossible to look at Jan 6 impartially right after the fact. It may even now be too soon. '

        We are starting to see real problems with the initial narrative. One the left you are glad you are in charge and wielding the levers of power. Even as you are pushing the DOJ to do your bidding do you really trust them?

        Not only have they proven themselves untrustworthy court filing show they have actually manufactured evidence and created false narratives and even prosecuted and convicted people on charges they knew they whole time to be false.

        Sorry there are no "ends justify the means" big enough for that level of corruption.

        [Reply ]

          Posted on: 2022-09-17 23:46:18   By: Anonymous
          Not even "Orange man bad"?

          [Reply ]

          Posted on: 2022-09-18 02:52:32   By: Anonymous
          Sorry, attempting to overthrow the government, attacking our Capitol and murdering our vice president will NEVER be lawful or acceptable regardless of the passage of time or 'narrative.'
          We have laws, and a constitution.
          Please be respectful of both.
          And when you're not, expect to be prosecuted, as any other citizen would.

          [Reply ]

            Posted on: 2022-09-18 07:29:32   By: Anonymous

            Our VP was murdered?
            We've had Four Sitting POTUS murdered in our history, every sitting President murdered were from the Left Political Party.
            Now think of that and how the Left is trying to control Free Speech.
            How the Left as in our potust is using our Justice System as his Secret Police going after those on the Right, going after parents of school children, while protecting his family, as in both his brothers, his son, and himself from being investigated by HIS Justice SYSTEM. Our very own POTUS can not even answer questions from journalists especially journalist from the Right-wing Media. His administration ask for all questions in advance.
            You're right , our Democracy is indeed in Danger

            [Reply ]

              Posted on: 2022-09-18 08:44:46   By: Anonymous
              Yes vice president Pence wasn't murdered. However, Trump was disappointed that he wasn't. You failed your leader komrade.

              [Reply ]

            Posted on: 2022-09-18 08:05:36   By: Anonymous
            Believe what you want as is your right. History will show that the FBI was deeply involved in Jan6 just court docs have now proved that they had the "Steele Dossier" Russian authors on their payroll.

            It may also show that the reason many of the Jan6 people are still in jail and not even tried yet is that if they have actual court trials with discovery etc. they will not only lose but to be shown as the instigators.

            The entire FBI as an agency needs to go. Start over hire back many of the field agents but the org as a whole is rotten to the core.

            [Reply ]

              Posted on: 2022-09-18 08:07:08   By: Anonymous
              Bingo, corruption this deep in federal law enforcement is by default an overthrow of our government.

              [Reply ]

              Posted on: 2022-09-18 08:33:46   By: Anonymous
              None of what you're saying is true. That simple. Because you, or Trump, or Greene spew doesn't make if true. In fact almost all of what you're saying here and a good half of what they casually toss off are outright lies.
              As far as the FBI/CIA Russia gate investigation, Durham is closing that out. His grand jury has been dismissed. But the big expose it was going to be, taking down the Clinton's, the Obamas, Bidens, the radical left conspiracy, all that! DURHAM HAS FOUND NOTHING AT THAT LEVEL. HIS INVESTIGATION IS A BUST!!! 3 minor indictments yes, but a total waste of resources. The one case he did take to trial, Durham lost.
              Your beef with the FBI is only that they are law enforcement and they stand in the way of Trump's crime family and his desire to break out laws, corrupt or constitutional government, and eventually overthrow it. That's your/his goal. And should that be accomplished the first thing Trump will do is create a national police force, MAGA thugs, answerable only to him, and brutally repressing everyone in this country.
              THAT! Is Donald Trump's goal.

              [Reply ]

                Posted on: 2022-09-18 08:47:33   By: Anonymous
                You wait, when these swamp creatures are on their deathbeds they will be singing and writing books to try and clean their souls before they meet their makers

                [Reply ]

                  Posted on: 2022-09-18 09:03:46   By: Anonymous
                  Biden's SS the FBI raided 40 Trump supporters the day after his "Night of the long knives" speech in PA. The swamp creatures are coming for anyone who dares oppose them.

                  Don't fall for the bumbling grandpa act. His administration is evil to the core.

                  [Reply ]

                    Posted on: 2022-09-18 11:48:50   By: Anonymous
                    Not a 'raid' of any sort. It's called serving a search warrant. Warrants must be supported with probable cause and approved by a judge.
                    Of course you know all that.
                    You also know many of those 30 or 40 will most likely be facing charges of obstruction, sedition, voting fraud, etc. in connection with Trump's various criminal schemes.
                    Whine, whine, whine, justice and the law are coming for all of them.

                    [Reply ]

                Posted on: 2022-09-18 16:23:51   By: Anonymous
                "NONE OF WHAT YOUR'RE SAYING IS TRUE". It is true, you just don't want to hear it because it goes against the gaslighting you've been listening to for the last 4

                [Reply ]

    Re: Oh looky, senisnle Government is back in Virginia, thank goodness for Republicans
    Posted on: 2022-09-18 09:09:33   By: Anonymous

    See the new leadership? Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin's administration has rewritten Virginia's model policies for the treatment of transgender students. No longer can any school administrator secretly bring a child to a doctor for anything like what they were doing like puberty blocking hormone medication, gender mutilation, secret therapy. All of this needs a parents involvement. A student is the parents child, a student does NOT belong to the teacher, or the administration, or the government.

    [Reply ]

    Re: Oh looky, senisnle Government is back in Virginia, thank goodness for Republicans
    Posted on: 2022-09-18 09:09:43   By: Anonymous

    See the new leadership? Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin's administration has rewritten Virginia's model policies for the treatment of transgender students. No longer can any school administrator secretly bring a child to a doctor for anything like what they were doing like puberty blocking hormone medication, gender mutilation, secret therapy. All of this needs a parents involvement. A student is the parents child, a student does NOT belong to the teacher, or the administration, or the government.

    [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-09-17 23:01:29   By: Anonymous
Sure hope we can make it last beyond the current crop of Trump cultists.

[Reply ]

Socialist want to Destroy our Constitution
Posted on: 2022-09-18 07:04:26   By: Anonymous

There's a document the liberal/ democrats are trying to destroy.

Any of you remember the good old days when we had low gas prices, low inflation, low food prices, low energy bills and a secure border. Sadly that changed on January 20 2021. Those are now known as the good old days before Socialism took over, and now our DOJ and FBI see the Right and parents of school children as Domestic Terrorist.

[Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-09-18 07:09:58   By: Anonymous
We have murders on Jan 6th. , where? If, in your twisted mind, think people with cell phones and rope pose a threat to you, you are really a weak person! The only person murdered was a young woman, shot in the neck by a White House cop. End of story!
Regarding this bunk about women’s health or rights, this is now left to the states, where it belongs, our state unfortustely is run by a cultist known as Gavin Newsome, probably the most vile, God hating Governor in the.Union. He would kill his own babies and maybe already has with all of his mistresses, just because those pregnancies we’re a nuisance. This poor man is a disgrace and like the rest of us will stand before his Maker someday and it won’t be pretty!
When this reckless man has now gotten all of us into EV, and there is no electricity, or better yet, they shut it off, maybe you will understand how you have been worked!

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-09-18 07:18:18   By: Anonymous
    ^Thankfully in this free country, none of us have to live chained to your belief system, your guilt, or you're paranoia.
    Comparatively, I'm happy with this government, my life, and those of the people around me.
    Enjoy your mental illness, and your misery loser.

    [Reply ]

Whistleblowers being silenced
Posted on: 2022-09-18 07:53:55   By: Anonymous

14 Whistleblowers, 14 Senior Special FBI Agents who are saying the top FBI brass are not doing their jobs, who are using the FBI as the personal police for the Socialist Administration in power now, trying to stall any and all investigations in to the President's family, and trying to stop our former POTUS from ever running for the presidency again. That the FBI had even colluded with Russia in 2016.
This from surprising, the Washington Times, a left-wing news media that has been protecting the Biden administration and had countless times protected Biden as he was running for the presidency.

"FBI agents say the Biden administration is pushing the agency to exaggerate the threat of white supremacists and domestic terrorism ahead of the midterm elections, reports The Washington Times.

"The demand for white supremacy" coming from FBI headquarters "vastly outstrips the supply of white supremacy," said one agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "We have more people assigned to investigate white supremacists than we can actually find."

The report came the same day President Joe Biden during an address at a White House summit on hate-based violence said America can't remain silent when it comes to combating white supremacy and hate."

[Reply ]

    Re: Whistleblowers being silenced
    Posted on: 2022-09-18 08:19:49   By: Anonymous
    The democrats party is so racist. Really surprised if Ole Joey and Nancy haven’t change their depends and wipe their wrinkled ass with it. But I’m sure they are trying.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Whistleblowers being silenced
      Posted on: 2022-09-18 08:54:38   By: Anonymous
      Dems are far and above the most racist group out there.

      [Reply ]

        Posted on: 2022-09-18 09:44:45   By: Anonymous
        Brainwashed Qpubs repeating the lies they are told.
        trump fully endorses Qanon crap, and so his bots do too.
        This is a study of group psychosis- believe lies, not corroborated facts, truth.
        Why do otherwise mentally healthy folks believe the lies shown above?

        The Republican party has many showing mental disorders shown by their parroting the lies of Fox, OAN, Newsmax , and farcebook.

        The hijacked Republican party has lost it's Constitutional, judicial sense, and now openly supports sedition, insurrection. This is the end of Democracy.

        [Reply ]

          Re: Brainwashed
          Posted on: 2022-09-18 10:28:26   By: Anonymous
          Who gives a flying f2c2 about Don. The vultures of demo-stupid crat zero common sense party. Well the big guy Joey has created this world you live in. For compromise of (immigration) is he giving out Ev bikes to take a ride to Florida. Pete no bike seat Buttgauge the tour guide. Maybe hand out s$hit bags and hair gel in Sac-town for the “trash”. You liberals got what you deserve. In the meantime where’s Kneepad? Harris?

          [Reply ]

            Re: Brainwashed
            Posted on: 2022-09-18 10:47:23   By: Anonymous
            Brainwashing. My ass …called common sense. I see black and white there’s is no gray area. When I see bull$—. I see a new age democrats. Painting a good picture on top a pile bull. Joe and the whole administration is a embarrassment to every American. Do I get a college refund for back from when a adults pay bills?

            [Reply ]

            Re: got what deserved
            Posted on: 2022-09-18 11:40:15   By: Anonymous
            Started drinking early this morning, huh?

            [Reply ]

              Re: got what deserved
              Posted on: 2022-09-18 11:54:48   By: Anonymous
              No was giving the wife what you never did. A man.

              [Reply ]

                Re: got what deserved
                Posted on: 2022-09-18 12:02:12   By: Anonymous
                trumpbots at his rally yesterday all raised the one finger Q sign.

                trump is trying to head the Qs like he did the GOP.

                [Reply ]

                  Re: got what deserved
                  Posted on: 2022-09-18 12:17:42   By: Anonymous
                  As a honest non Trump- bot so called most never cared for the guy. But is better then the ‘big guy’. Embarrassing to everyone that claims- a American. Someday look back and relieve and then ??? think about Joey… and his hairy legs. Hunter the smartest person he knows. Take 🍊 man bad. Think eoj can spell his s name.

                  [Reply ]

                    Re: got what deserved
                    Posted on: 2022-09-18 16:32:26   By: Anonymous
                    Hola Senor X-den l. My hombre and mi self Juan a and Juan B. Looking for phone, money. And College education. Heard dummy was passing them out with a Big Mac. I’s this freedom?

                    [Reply ]

                Re: got what deserved...a man
                Posted on: 2022-09-18 17:22:47   By: Anonymous
                Now I know you've been drinking Jethro.

                [Reply ]

                  Re: got what deserved...a man
                  Posted on: 2022-09-18 18:10:48   By: Anonymous
                  Nothing funnier than a delusional left swinging democrats. A hypocrite.

                  [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-09-18 21:18:41   By: Anonymous
And the left keeps trying to rewrite the constitution and change everything about it and our country. The only threat to our Democracy is the left and the rewriting and erasing everything this country stands for!!!

[Reply ]

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