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Remember Me

Posted by: thepinetree on 04/16/2022 02:48 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 04/17/2022 11:21 AM
Expires: 01/01/2027 12:00 AM

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa ~ John Hamilton

Arnold, CA....Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa. The mistakes and miscues around last Thursday's Candidate Debate at Independence Hall were mine and mine alone. It was not GABA's and certainly not Martin Huberty's, Lisa Muetterties or their campaigns it was mine. Mine alone....Period.

It was my responsibility to communicate in a timely and fair manner with the candidates and conduct a fair and unbiased event. The way that I handled it gave the appearance of public bias and did so in the worst possible way. This was not intended, but clearly my inactions left that as the only possible public perception.

In the end my actions or lack of timely actions hurt the efforts of GABA to put on a great and useful public event. It also made the campaigns more difficult for both Martin and Lisa. In life the most painful injuries are usually the self inflicted ones this one was a doozy.

I applaud anyone who cares enough about their communities enough to run for public office. It is at many times a thankless and all in task. You become the product with all that entails. It is a personal, tough, nerve racking, friendship making and friendship breaking affair. Every vote is precious, expensive and hard won.

If elected Supervisor you are one of the lower paid county employees. All of the Department Heads and most of the staffers which you will have responsibility for will make more than you. No one runs for County Supervisor for the money. The only reason you run is because you care about your community and you feel you have something to offer!

To Lisa Muetterties
I am genuinely thankful for the countless hours you have spent working on behalf of the people of this county. Even those who disagree with you politically have reason to thank you. Without your efforts on the General Plan the county would probably still not have one. The County had spent millions of dollars on multiple outside consultants for over a decade and left the process in complete disarray. You and others just rolled up your sleeves and worked tirelessly to get the process organized enough to get a General Plan across the finish line.

For those who may not have known the County had not had a functional and legally compliant General Plan since 2006. Without a compliant General Plan it made virtually impossible for any large scale housing or development project to ever be built.

If you are elected Supervisor your constituents should expect a Supervisor who would work tirelessly for property rights, property values and good governmental process.

My delay in communicating with you prior to the debate was not an intended slight but in many ways a compliment. All of the topics to be discussed were topics you had answered questions on multiple times and I knew you could provide answers on probably in your sleep.

To Martin Huberty
Please accept my apology for the way I handled the debate. Your asking for topics to be discussed at debate I did not think unreasonable. Especially since in a local election there is usually common set of concerns residents have. The way that this came out at the debate gave the appearance of your trying to tilt the scales in your direction when that was not the case.

With your background and career in the film industry where the story, and framing the story in a manner that connects with an audience matters I made this harder for you and I am sorry.

I know the story of Calaveras County matters to you on many levels. Your efforts to tell that story through the Visitors Bureau and Angels Camp Museum have been exemplary. Even the restoration of your historic home shows your genuine love for our area.

If elected your constituents would have someone who cares not only about the day to day functioning of the county but its story and narrative for tourists and residents. As Calaveras County matures into a well rounded tourist destination I know you would help shepherd that growth in a manner that has the best narrative for the county but also one that is a sustainable one as well.

What really happened.
The GABA Board met and we went over a list of perspective topics and questions. I was supposed to communicate with both candidates in a timely manner with full disclosure to both.

I messaged Martin and he confirmed for the event. I should have emailed Lisa the topics the instant I had confirmation that the event was a go. I didn't get to it as I had a server problem with one of our servers. I got sidetracked with an IT problem and did not email Lisa in a timely manner.

I had my head buried in a config file trying to fix why our media server was throwing errors. In my head I needed that server fixed before the event.

If I had just emailed Lisa before I descended into server debugging...

In hindsight this was completely inexcusable as it put Lisa in a perceived disadvantage, painted GABA in a poor and undeserved light and actually made it look like Martin was trying to control the outcome which he was not.

In events such as these there are three groups that matter. The first two are each candidate and their campaigns. Everything matters to them as it should as they have everything on the line. Both of these groups are livid with me as they have every right to be.

The third group is the casual voters who may not follow politics closely until an election. Ironically they came out ok in this.

They saw and event where both candidates answered questions from the audience that are useful in making a decision. So for all the drama that I caused in the end I think the voters actually had a useful product. A messy story with and garbled and pointless narrative but a useful product none the less.

And in four years I promise not to moderate the next debate.

Sincerely & Apologetically,

John Hamilton

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No Subject
Posted on: 2022-04-16 14:54:37   By: Anonymous
Enjoy the show

[Reply ]

    Re: Mea Culpa
    Posted on: 2022-04-16 15:07:10   By: Anonymous
    I don't buy it. A person of integrity would not have asked for special consideration nor accepted these questions without making sure the others involved had the same. Gaba made an appeal to impartiality which had already been violated. Gaba need to wash their hands of Hamilton for good and for ever.

    Ken Sanders

    [Reply ]

      Re: Mea Culpa
      Posted on: 2022-04-16 15:25:57   By: Anonymous
      Agree! A big joke with something so important.

      [Reply ]

        Re: Mea Culpa
        Posted on: 2022-04-16 15:52:01   By: Anonymous
        This smells just like the presidential debates with the liberal democrat moderator who's bigoted. Just another reason why this country is now a chit show being run by the oldest, weakest, embarrassment of a President we have had in modern times. Taking a pretty stable economy, a secure border, inflation at historical low numbers, a Nation and President as a world leader, we had Peace Thru Strength, and now all of the opposite.
        At least John Hamilton acted like a man and admitted his mistake, in like our "The Buck Stops With Me" President and then points his finger at EVERYONE ELSE and then EVERY WEEK BIDEN AND HIS TEAM OF IDIOTS TRY CASTING A NEW SET OF EXCUSES ON WHO TO BLAME FOR ALL OF THEIR DISASTERS THEY KEEP MAKING.
        Did you notice team Chit for Brains now opened up oil leases again? They think this reversal will get them enough votes for the midterms, LMAO.
        Their best chance to go down in history favourably would be to end their lives for the good of the Nation.
        Happy Easter

        [Reply ]

          Re: Mea Culpa
          Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:34:46   By: Anonymous
          Full Disclosure: I, AntiSniveler, would from this point forward, prefer to be referred to as the "shriveler". Thank you for your cooperation.

          aka "shriveler".

          [Reply ]

            Re: Mea Culpa
            Posted on: 2022-04-17 08:00:55   By: Anonymous
            What are you going to call me next week, sniveler?...Hahahahahahahahahahahah

            [Reply ]

      Re: Mea Culpa
      Posted on: 2022-04-16 17:47:10   By: Anonymous
      It was the responsibility of GABA, John and Lisa’s committee to make sure she had all the information she needed for the night. Certainly not her opponent’s. At the very least, she should have been aware of the AGREED upon format, after all she is a member of GABA. Trying to blame her opponent for her lack of due diligence is scapegoating. And silly. Bold Text

      [Reply ]

        Re: Mea Culpa
        Posted on: 2022-04-16 17:59:39   By: Anonymous
        Kind of hard to do when neither GABACA nor Lisa were told that John and Martin had made rule changes a week before the event.

        [Reply ]

          Re: Mea Culpa
          Posted on: 2022-04-16 18:33:59   By: Anonymous
          Did anyone bother to look at the actual questions? They have all answered those questions a thousand times and now somehow its a conspiracy. John screwed up but Lisa refusing to answer them is comical. I mean conspiratorial questions like "How would you improve the business climate in D3?"

          Scandal I tell you scandal who could possibly expect a candidate to answer gotcha questions such as that?

          I mean a business question at a business group sponsored event?

          How could they be so unfair? :)

          [Reply ]

            Re: Mea Culpa
            Posted on: 2022-04-16 18:41:49   By: Anonymous
            Just faux outrage because she thinks she can score political points.

            [Reply ]

              Re: Mea Culpa
              Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:47:46   By: Anonymous
              Here's what is outrageous. One candidate cheating. One comes prepared and does not.

              [Reply ]

                Re: Mea Culpa
                Posted on: 2022-04-17 08:24:22   By: Anonymous
                I do not agree with your statement that one candidate cheared. As John Hamilton states, he sent the questions to Martin Huberty and he, and he alone, neglected to also send them the Lisa Muetterties.

                [Reply ]

                  Re: Mea Culpa
                  Posted on: 2022-04-17 09:26:03   By: Anonymous
                  Here's how one candidate cheated. He did not fess up immediately. That night when this uneven playing field was made known, Martin sat there. He j-u-s-t sat there instead of standing up like an honorable person and revealing what he had done - insist on a canned event. Then he should have announced that all questions would be thrown out and he'd take whatever questions were provided - JUST like Lisa came prepared to do. Martin assumed. Yes. You know what they say about assuming.

                  [Reply ]

              Re: Mea Culpa
              Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:48:10   By: Anonymous
              Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the Calatrumplicans are awfully quiet about their idol lately? Of course Joe is being bludgoned, but not many brain dead heavers are talking about how great their fat fuk trump is. Huh? Maybe its cuz he is truly acting the fat orange buffoon. Maybe cuz he's acting kind of crazy, like a lunatic. Huh? What's up all you proud Calaveras Republican Trumpsters? Cat got your tounge?
              Keep sending him your money though you idiots.
              He needs it to fund his "Stop the Steal" campaign. None of it, repeat none of it, is being funneled to him directly.
              You are all such fools. How does it feel now?
              Suckers to the nth degree.

              [Reply ]

                Re: Mea Culpa
                Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:52:57   By: Anonymous
                Your outrage at Republicans is pretty funny when one of the candidates apparently was a registered Republican here until just before he declared his candidacy for District 3 supervisor.

                [Reply ]

        Re: Mea Culpa
        Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:46:36   By: Anonymous
        Really? What a reality distortion. It is not a candidates responsibility to root out corruption, or sneakiness, or plain old bias. Lisa Muetterties accepted the invitation. Apparently after the event was announced and publicized, Martin required the questions be fed to him ahead of time and that no one from the audience be allowed to ask him questions. So there's more to this than just blaming John Hamilton. Martin, upon learning of this situation (and I'm giving him credit for his own words that he just learned Lisa didn't have these questions until that day) should have gotten up right away and announced that a) he had the questions days prior b) he doesn't think it's right that he had the questions and Lisa didn't c) he suggests they scrap all previous questions and d) they accept questions from the audience. Lisa came ready for any District 3 question and any District 3 issue. She had no intention of cancelling and going home as Martin offered. That Martin sat silently and did nothing speaks loudly.

        [Reply ]

        Re: Mea Culpa
        Posted on: 2022-04-17 17:02:04   By: Anonymous
        The ageed upon forum was that the questions would NOT be given before the day of the debate. She had no reason to question The Pine Trees ethical boundaries or her opponents.....then. She played by the rules and they did not. It's really that simple. Either Martin did not read the rules and demanded the answers ,or he DID read the rules and demanded the answers. Either way, its cheating.

        [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-04-16 19:52:51   By: Anonymous
    Any candidate should be able to answer questions off the cuff’ and shouldn’t be given questions ahead of a debate. Just like running into a voter / constituent at the grocery store and being asked a question, you either know your material or you don’t.

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:35:42   By: Anonymous
      ^amen to that sister^

      [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-04-17 08:39:33   By: Anonymous
    Sound like Pinetree has a lot of "IP" internet issues

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-04-19 16:16:00   By: Anonymous
      I messaged Martin twice now and never got

      [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-04-17 23:21:52   By: Anonymous
    MARTIN NEVER REFUSED TO SHOW UP—Lisa and her friends are saying he cheated to try and take away from the fact that she was totally erratic and couldn’t control her emotions. I am voting for the guy who was calm and collected, and didn’t lie about answering emails and phone calls.

    [Reply ]

Posted on: 2022-04-16 15:24:59   By: Anonymous
Did Martin tell you that if he did not receive the information ahead he would not show up? Regardless, this whole thing was pathetic. It's too bad there couldn't be another Candidate Night but with a qualified Moderator. We noticed that Martin's Campaign is a paying advertiser as well.

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-04-16 15:27:15   By: Anonymous
    Well at least he is spending his campaign dollars locally instead of on FB

    [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:55:33   By: Anonymous
    Apparently after this event was announced and publicized, Martin indicated he would not appear unless he was provided all questions beforehand and that he would not be required to answer any questions from the audience. GABCA had no knowledge of these two stipulations.

    [Reply ]

Another mass shooting, no deaths
Posted on: 2022-04-16 15:29:52   By: Anonymous

Another mass shooting at a mall, this one in South Carolina. No deaths, ten shot, two in critical but stable condition. So we need to do this to stop these shootings, we need South Carolina to have all of the strictest laws in the Nation like California, New York and Illinois has. We need to investigate what the victims did that provoked the gunmen to shoot them and arrest the victims so they don't go this again. As for the shooters we need to let them go without bail like all our liberal democrat District Attorney's do and make sure the judges are on the same page. It's worked in all of the largest Democrat cities and states so far. Oh one more thing, Defund the Police

[Reply ]

    Re: Another mass shooting, no deaths
    Posted on: 2022-04-16 16:28:26   By: Anonymous
    Defund the police , you must belong to the Brown Eye Matters group.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Another mass shooting, no deaths
      Posted on: 2022-04-16 17:03:16   By: Anonymous
        Edited By: thepinetree
      On: 2022-04-16 18:15:49

      [Reply ]

        Re: Another mass shooting, no deaths
        Posted on: 2022-04-16 17:08:19   By: Anonymous
        Good thing you're just one vote. She's got my vote!

        [Reply ]

          Posted on: 2022-04-16 17:41:42   By: Anonymous
          With so many Christians in this county, those that live in District 3 might be able to forgive.
          Especially this time of year.

          [Reply ]

            Re: Mea Culpa
            Posted on: 2022-04-16 17:46:05   By: Anonymous
            It was the responsibility of GABA, John and Lisa’s committee to make sure she had all the information she needed for the night. Certainly not her opponent’s. At the very least, she should have been aware of the AGREED upon format, after all she is a member of GABA. Trying to blame her opponent for her lack of due diligence is scapegoating. And silly. Bold Text

            [Reply ]

              Re: Mea Culpa
              Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:51:19   By: Anonymous
              You're not typing with all your synapses firing. One candidate cheats and makes demands. One comes prepared and moves forward.

              [Reply ]

          Re: Another mass shooting, no deaths
          Posted on: 2022-04-16 18:03:40   By: Anonymous
          ^She has your vote because you can relate to her arrogant behavior and most likely a Demorat!

          [Reply ]

        A. It's for Lisa is a vote for the good people in Calaveras
        Posted on: 2022-04-16 17:48:26   By: Anonymous
        Lisa has my vote her positive actions in the community and on the Planning Commission far exceed anything Martin has accomplished here in Calaveras. Lisa's agenda is for the people and a better Calaveras County Martins agenda I don't know? Big question mark!!!

        [Reply ]

          Re: A. It's for Lisa is a vote for the good people in Calaveras
          Posted on: 2022-04-16 18:01:35   By: Anonymous
          Lisa will just be another Merita Callaway, all mouth and no action.

          [Reply ]

            Re: A. It's for Lisa is a vote for the good people in Calaveras
            Posted on: 2022-04-16 18:54:44   By: Anonymous
            You missed by a country mile sir - Lisa is head and shoulders above Callaway, not even close ! Lisa will be a great Supervisor !

            [Reply ]

          Re: A. It's for Lisa is a vote for the good people in Calaveras
          Posted on: 2022-04-16 19:42:18   By: Anonymous
          We agree!

          [Reply ]

          Public information
          Posted on: 2022-04-16 20:19:16   By: Anonymous
          Have you asked him what his agenda is? He has his personal cell number available to the public and you can feel free to contact him at anytime. Have you paid any attention to his multiple public statements? The advancements he has made within the Calaveras County Visitors Bureau, The Angels Camp Museum, The Calaveras Winegrape Alliance, The Chamber of Commerce?! Seems not. All of this is public information as to better inform your biased opinion. Do some research.

          [Reply ]

            Re: Public information
            Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:25:22   By: Anonymous
            I don't know about his agenda, but he IS dreamy.

            [Reply ]

            Re: Public information
            Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:01:50   By: Anonymous
            Yes. I have paid attention. There are no prioritizations of projects, concrete strategies, methodologies, or plans to move forward on any projects or issues. Lisa has stated the issues and challenges we face and her plans to fix or improve them. She knows how things are funded and how to obtain funding and grants -free money Calaveras County is entitled to but often overlooks. Martin apparently has stated he wants to make commercial cannabis officially classified as Ag. Can't happen. Does he know that he (and Calaveras County) does not have the authority to do this? Only the state can do this. Now you have an inkling where his allegiance lies - 60+ growers. Forget the rest of us.

            [Reply ]

              Re: Public information
              Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:04:45   By: Anonymous
              And now we can guess what Martin's agenda is.

              [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-04-16 18:46:44   By: Anonymous
You can't un ring a bell

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-04-16 19:20:49   By: Anonymous
    True, but exactly what bell was rung?

    [Reply ]

Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
Posted on: 2022-04-16 20:05:02   By: Anonymous
What’s missing in all these comments is common sense.

How is it possible that Lisa did not know the format of the candidates’ forum? Could she be that unprepared?

She walked into the forum without having done her due diligence?

Then blamed Linda Sapien, president of GABA, and John Hamilton, editor of the Pine Tree, and her opponent? Accused them of letting Huberty take control?

Wouldn’t you expect a candidate to find out what the format was before she walked in? She could have called any one of them. Why didn’t she?

Then, after John Hamilton, Pine Trees’ editor, humbly fell on his sword that very night, saying he forgot to send the questions to Lisa due to IT issues, she still today blamed him and cast aspersions on GABA’s President and Martin – for conspiring against her? Letting her opponent take over?

For political advantage, LISA has impugned the integrity of two fellow citizens working faithfully to put the candidates before us? Mud slinging is not acceptable in these parts. Think she is showing her true colors?

Smells like an ambush to me.

We don’t have time for that in Calaveras County.

KNOWING John had decided to come up with ten questions for the candidates, she pretended she didn’t know? Was she afraid to pick up the phone? And instead planned an ambush on all three of them – and us??? And then engaged in public shaming? Deliberately creating a brouhaha?

She owes all three an apology - and the voters.

I don’t expect histrionics from my next Supervisor.

As John told a friend of mine today, she is milking this mistake that John has admirably and publicly acknowledged because she is behind. Shameful, histrionic politics.

We need a Supervisor in District 3 who is kind and has a thoughtful, calm, non-confrontational approach to solving problems. Someone reasonable who has a track record of working together with people to solve issues -- not create them.

And to think I was considering voting for her! Duped again by a consummate, duplicitous politician. I have had enough of that with national politicians and am appalled Lisa has brought it here in spades to Calaveras. Sad.

[Reply ]

    Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
    Posted on: 2022-04-16 20:28:13   By: Anonymous
    Gotta say. Lisa, you created a messy mess.

    Get out now and apologize and move on, Lisa. Don;t keep digging a grave.

    I thought you were better than this.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
      Posted on: 2022-04-16 20:38:48   By: Anonymous
      This faux grievance bs is exactly who she is.

      [Reply ]

        Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
        Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:26:56   By: Anonymous
        AND, she needs a new hair stylist!

        [Reply ]

          Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
          Posted on: 2022-04-16 22:43:12   By: Anonymous
          You guys are seriously hilarious! What a bunch of goofs! Martin is clearly not prepared. He is unable to handle live questions because he has no idea what is needed. That was very clear during this event. Lisa showed that she knows what the issues are and what is required to solve the problems. It’s hard to imagine a candidate that will not show up for an event unless he knows what the questions are going to be. Oh wait, that is a Washington DC trick! Lol

          [Reply ]

          Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
          Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:11:49   By: Anonymous
          Misogynistic comments show a lack of intelligence.

          [Reply ]

          Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
          Posted on: 2022-04-17 10:39:26   By: Anonymous
          What a bunch of nasty comments here on this public site. People should add their names when attacking someone so badly. Kind of cowardly.

          [Reply ]

      Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
      Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:13:40   By: Anonymous
      Martin Huberty needs to step forward and take responsibility for his demands. he messed up. Now he needs to fess up. He should apologize for making demands for pre-event questions, for not making sure Lisa had them (she didn't need them), and for demanding that no audience member be allowed to ask questions. Who does he think he is?

      [Reply ]

    Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
    Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:08:16   By: Anonymous
    You have not been paying attention, apparently. Please stop casting aspersions. Lisa Muetterties most certainly knew what the evening agenda was. She was attending a candidates night where she would be asked questions. NO ONE mentioned to Lisa or GABCA that Martin Huberty demanded and received the questions days ahead of time after he agreed to appear and after the event was publicized. NO ONE mentioned to Lisa or GABCA that Martin also demanded that no questions be received from the audience. Please.

    [Reply ]

    Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
    Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:09:27   By: Anonymous
    You're full of it. If you think it's o.k. Martin tried to cheat. then it's a poor reflection on you.

    [Reply ]

    Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
    Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:10:42   By: Anonymous
    Your common sense has left you. Stop making excuses and trying to throw blame. Martin tried to cheat. Martin was afraid to answer direct questions from the audience. You're just making yourself look silly.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
      Posted on: 2022-04-17 00:21:16   By: Anonymous
      IT IS NOT CHEATING if Martin ASKED and was given PERMISSION to prepare for the questions! Don’t you want a well thought out response from the candidates? Of course Lisa should have also been given the opportunity, but that is not Martin’s fault!
      Having questions ahead of time is not new. The VUSD Board Candidates just had a very interesting and thoughtful interview night and all prepared and pre-considered their responses after receiving the questions.

      [Reply ]

        Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
        Posted on: 2022-04-17 09:28:07   By: Anonymous
        Yes! Like you, I want well thought out answers - and I want them from someone who knows their stuff. Martin apparently feared he could not answer.

        [Reply ]

        Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
        Posted on: 2022-04-17 16:57:55   By: Anonymous
        I want a supervisor who awesome having the questions in advance a co dictionary if participating. I want a supervisor who can Swer quesyio s o. The fly. This was a debate. I'm not buying Hamiltons BS. AT ALL

        [Reply ]

    Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
    Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:25:20   By: Anonymous
    Your common sense has maybe left you? Did you know that Martin's minions have been moving Lisa's campaign signs - and then finally stole at least one?

    [Reply ]

    Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
    Posted on: 2022-04-17 08:28:20   By: Anonymous
    Agreed that the temper tantrum thrown by Lisa at the start of the meeting was troubling. Is that how our Supervisor meetings will be if she is elected?

    [Reply ]

Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
Posted on: 2022-04-16 23:18:14   By: Anonymous
Your common sense has maybe left you? Did you know that Martin's minions have been moving Lisa's campaign signs - and then finally stole at least one?

[Reply ]

    Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
    Posted on: 2022-04-17 07:45:57   By: Anonymous
    If anything Lisa was presented with the opportunity to show how she could think on her feet, turn a bad situation into opportunity and rise up above this and show a professional side vs. being combative.I'm sure that as a Supervisor there are many curve balls that you have to deal with. She failed miserably on all fronts.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Why is Lisa Playing the Blame Game?
      Posted on: 2022-04-17 08:05:57   By: Anonymous
      Sniveler was that Martin's car parked in front of your trailer last night?...

      [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-04-17 08:03:55   By: Anonymous
    Martin is exactly the type of individual WE DO NOT NEED on the BOS.

    Lisa is exactly the type of person WE NEED. . .

    Lisa's being attacked by the Martin minions because she demonstrates substantially greater knowledge than Martial on important County issues!

    Because of this the Martin minions Attack, Attack and Attack attempting to draw attention away from Lisa's superior strengths and knowledge to make this a mud fight - the only way they see Victory is to defraud Lisa's integrity.

    What a shameful strategy and positioning - All you Martin supports wake-up your traveling down the wrong path. . .

    VOTE FOR LISA the clear & best choice for D3 Supervisor!

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-04-17 08:41:03   By: Anonymous
      Tim has to roll Lisa in flour to find her wet spot.

      [Reply ]

        Re: VOTE FOR LISA
        Posted on: 2022-04-17 10:50:47   By: Anonymous
        Disgusting. Why does PineTree allow these kind of posts.

        [Reply ]

          Re: VOTE FOR LISA
          Posted on: 2022-04-17 13:15:10   By: Anonymous
          ^ Go roll in flour.

          [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-04-17 08:44:14   By: Anonymous
Lisa when you were married to Bobby did you ever cheat on him?

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-04-17 10:49:27   By: Anonymous
    Wow what a low thing to say about a person. How about attaching your name to this terrible statement? Shameful.

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-04-17 13:16:34   By: Anonymous
      Then fuk'n ask her.

      [Reply ]

        Posted on: 2022-04-17 13:19:18   By: Anonymous
        While your at it ask her if Gary Rossi rings a bell.

        [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-04-19 16:20:49   By: Anonymous
Same exact thing happened to school board applicants who did not fit the the mold of what current members wanted when it came to their's a strategy, and a nasty one.

[Reply ]

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