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Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 10/08/2010 09:38 AM Updated by: Kim_Hamilton on 10/08/2010 09:38 AM
Expires: 01/01/2015 12:00 AM

Letter To The Editor~by John S. Hull

Academic Improvement in the Vallecito Union School District has been steadily upward for the past four years, and all three schools are within range of an API (Academic Performance Index) of 900, which will put our schools on a par with the best Bay Area Schools. This school district, VUSD is in the process of implementing a new 5 year plan, titled the 4C’s (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration), which is a 21st Century Model preparing our students to be competitive in a World Economy....

VUSD is the ONLY Rural School District in all of California to adopt this Model, and we keep company with School Districts in San Diego, Fresno, The Bay Area and Sacramento.

Our VUSD Board members are working closely with Board Members, the Superintendent and Principal of Bret Harte High School, so we will have continuity in student learning K through 12.

This effort is far from over, and it would be in the best interest for the community, for us to keep our 5 member board intact, so please consider that when you cast your vote on November 2nd, for the three board members that are up for re-election.

Please take a few moments to review the entire plan at this link :

Remember, we are only in the 1st year of implementation, and we need the dedicated focus of our existing board members.

*Mr. Hull is a member of the Michelson Site Council

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