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Posted by: thepinetree on 08/31/2010 02:58 PM Updated by: Kim_Hamilton on 09/02/2010 03:01 PM
Expires: 01/01/2015 12:00 AM

Hazel Fischer Dedicates "Mustang Meadow" with Comments from Principal Bret Loring~Video Enclosed

Arnold, CA...Hazel Fischer Elementary School held a mini dedication today to open up "Mustang Meadow." Several students from Hazel Fischer, Sierra Brown, Anika Jodie, Emily Buss and Sydney Tinetti independently suggested Mustang Meadow as the name and they were recognized at the dedication. Last year some people had a vision, they had some ideas and people power to make an idea come to life. That idea was to make the most of a wonderful resource right behind Hazel Fischer School....Mustang Meadow! Known formerly and generically as "The back area of the school," Mustang Meadow has grown into and accessible outdoor learning zone! The name Mustang Meadow was selected from dozens of suggestions from students last year...

Mustang Meadow Volunteers Jill Bray, Wendy Harrison, Bill & Ginny Kafka. Additional Photos Above and Video is Enclosed...

"Thanks to the individuals and agencies that helped clean up and beautify Mustang Meadow under the leadership of Wendy Harrison, our school community can now hike, snowshoe, explore more easily and do a field study in our own "backyard." stated Principal, Brett Loring. Bill and Ginny Kafka have placed a beautiful handmade sign to mark the entrance to Mustang Meadow.

Here is how it came about states Brett Loring, "Our Watershed Friend, Wendy Harrison, suggested and arranged some brush clearing and making of a trail and seating area. Her efforts were made possible through the Wintercreek Foundation. Hazel Fischer families and friends thinned trees, cleared brush, and picked up trash out of the area and hauled it off with the help of the Bitner family's equipment. Local fire agencies and inmate crews cleaned up some more of the area and burned up big brush piles.

And finally because we felt like this special area needed a special name, we had a naming contest, and four students on their own suggested the name 'Mustang Meadow."

The kids are thrilled to have their new outdoor school!

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