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Current polls 1 - 25 of 643
  Name None Description Descending Created None
Afghanistan Your overall opinion of Obamas Afghanistan strategy? 12/03/2009 08:14 AM
Joe Biden Your opinion of Joe Biden? 04/15/2009 11:45 PM
Turkey! Your favorite part of the turkey? 11/28/2008 11:36 PM
Childhood Toy Your Favorite Childhood Toy 12/25/2008 08:26 AM
New Poll! Your current stance on H1N1 vaccination? 10/25/2009 06:53 PM
Saturdays Protest March You thought Saturdays protest march on Washington was: 09/14/2009 12:36 AM
Marijuana You think revenue benefits of legalizing, taxing marijuana are likely: 04/16/2010 08:19 PM
Budget You think closing the budget deficit will require sacrifice from: 04/12/2010 06:32 PM
Your Time! You spend the most time with your.... 04/15/2008 10:43 AM
Ted Kennedy You most remember Ted Kennedy for: 08/28/2009 10:48 PM
The Government You more often prefer the government: 06/02/2009 10:25 PM
Town Hall You consider the current town hall meetings 08/15/2009 06:47 PM
New Poll suggested by viewer Would you approve of an Israeli strike on Iran? 07/08/2009 11:32 PM
Obamacare Replacement? Would Replacing Obamacare with Trumpcare Cost GOP House Majority? 05/05/2017 08:47 AM
MLK Would Martin Luther King Jr. be pleased with race relations today? 01/19/2009 12:25 AM
Time For State Mental Hospitals Again? Would making it easier to get someone held or institutionalized for mental issues something from the past we need to bring back? 02/15/2018 06:26 PM
Newsom Recall Would CA Be Better with New Governor? 12/31/2020 07:25 AM
Calaveras Visitors Center Would Angels Camp be better off with $24,000 or the Visitors Center? 08/17/2010 11:59 AM
Who Will Take The 2016 Race? With Trump now the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party who do you think will win in November? 05/03/2016 06:20 PM
Big Box? With the retail market troubles that Amador County is experiencing, was Calaveras County smart in not pursuing large format retail? 01/14/2009 10:28 AM
$6 Billion for Iran a Good Idea? With the Recent Hamas Attacks in Israel Being Backed by Iran was the $6,000,000,000 we Recently Let Them Have a Good Idea? 10/08/2023 11:49 AM
Real Estate What to do? With the Real Estate Market calming down is it time to sell, buy or hold? 07/18/2006 10:57 AM
Red Line Crossed for North Korea? With the potential nuclear minitureation and enabling of a nuclear tipped missile do we have to act soon? 08/08/2017 03:06 PM
Is Privacy Dead? With The Hacking Of Over 21,000,000 Public Records Is Trying Maintain Privacy Pointless 07/11/2015 09:35 AM
Does Roe v Wade Still Matter? With the "Morning after Pill" and other advances in Medicine Does Roe v Wade still need to be a Litmus Test for Supreme Court? 07/02/2018 04:21 PM
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5 10 25 50

Mark Twain Medical Center
Meadowmont Pharmacy
Angels & San Andreas Memorial Chapels
Bear Valley Real Estate
Gerard Insurance
Bank of Stockton
Fox Security
Bistro Espresso
Chatom Winery
Middleton's Furniture
Bear Valley Mountain Resort
Cave, Mine & Zip Lines
High Country Spa & Stove
Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway
Sierra Logging Museum Calaveras Mentoriing
Jenny's Kitchen

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