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Posted by: thepinetree on 05/06/2024 11:35 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 05/06/2024 11:35 PM
Expires: 01/01/2029 12:00 AM

Fire Crew Readiness Exercise

San Andreas, CA...California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit (TCU) will be conducting crew readiness drills for the 2024 fire season on May 8th and 9th, 2024. This year crews from Tuolumne Rancheria Fire Department, California Conservation Corps - Delta Center, Baseline Fire Center, and Vallecito Fire Center will participate.

Crews will be required to perform events which include tool and personnel protection equipment inspections, line construction, crew hike and fire shelter deployment to evaluate their preparedness for the 2024 fire season. These drills are essential to gauge the readiness of the Unit Crews for the upcoming fire season and will qualify them for fire assignments.

Continued coordination of drills and ongoing training between CAL FIRE TCU and Tuolumne Rancheria Fire Department will further strengthen the relationship between the two departments, guaranteeing elevated service for all communities within TCU and throughout the State.

Crew exercises will take place near the Camp Seco Staging Area (Sandretto Rd x Campo Seco Rd, Valley Springs) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day.

For information on how you can prepare for wildfire visit:
Follow us on Facebook @CAL FIRE Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit and @calfiretcu

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No Subject
Posted on: 2024-05-07 20:34:25   By: Anonymous
Is the CDF fire guy who plans his week around all of his hobbies, will he be there for the training? How is it that you get paid all year around, and hardly ever go to work! CDF needs to be investigated!

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2024-05-08 00:01:03   By: Anonymous
    Oh is t that the truth!! If anyone who lost a home or a loved as a result of of vegetation fire took a hard look at CDF via an investigation would be shocked. Ever mind PG&E the attorney’s should have looked close at CDF!

    [Reply ]

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