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Remember Me

Posted by: thepinetree on 06/24/2022 07:41 AM Updated by: thepinetree on 06/24/2022 07:41 AM
Expires: 01/01/2027 12:00 AM

Supreme Court Sends Abortion Issue Back to States in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

Washington, DC...The courts full opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is below...


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No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 07:52:55   By: Anonymous
Metal coat hanger and shop vac for my women.

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:04:01   By: Anonymous
    All I know is; over the last few years we saw too many Republican supreme court nominees lie (under oath no less) about Roe being settled and accepted law.

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:15:28   By: Anonymous
      I remember that, well not exactly. What I remember are those women taking the stand, under oath, then lying about being raped and then their "witnesses" they called to the stand under Oath, knew nothing about the alleged rapes.
      The women claiming rapes couldn't recall, where, when, no one remembers them. When investigated after everything was over, THEY admitted THEY LIED. Thats what the liberal left does, they lie, point their fingers at others for what they are guilty of.
      Seems the democrats are really on the losing side with Biden, he's caused a complete breakdown in our country with one disaster after another and no solution for EVEN ONE of these self inflicted wounds to America. From the Supreme Court rulings to Biden destroying our Economy, crime, mass shootings, murders, energy cost, baby formula, supply chain, illegal immigration, abandoned Americans. The democrats are a complete and total failure on every single thing they've done

      [Reply ]

        Posted on: 2022-06-24 16:21:15   By: Anonymous

        [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-06-26 10:33:43   By: Anonymous
      Helllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooo Joanie at the Arnold Health clinic!! I will be scheduling my rectal exam shortly. Looking forward to it!!!

      [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:04:22   By: Anonymous
    YOU have a woman?
    Why would you do that?
    Overturning Roe vs Wade makes it up for the states decisions, but there are a lot of idiots who do not understand that. Like about how to use birth control, men and women can both use them, it's not Rocket Science.
    Then New York has their unconstitutional gun laws overturned, now it's just not criminals that can carry.

    [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:37:44   By: Anonymous
    Apple and Amazon have vowed to pay for their employees who need to leave the state to get an abortion.

    [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:12:56   By: Anonymous
Now, let’s see the Libtards lose theirs minds once again, and burn America! If I was a cop, I would use whatever it takes to keep these Antarchists from taking the law into their own hands! I can tell you this much, if you harm anyone that has been attacked on this site for carrying certain flags, or has peacefully demonstrated their rights, you won’t see tomorrow!

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:29:56   By: Anonymous
    What's more likely than libs losing their minds is Republicans losing house and senate seats this fall.
    Women, will be turning out in huge numbers to vote against Republicans on this issue alone. This IS BIG!

    [Reply ]

      Re: Biden's weakness brought this
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:43:06   By: Anonymous
      Do you remember when we were a sovereign nation, the border was under control, gas prices were ridiculously low compared to now, Mass Shootings we're 400 % less then today, violent crime, rapes, Shootings we're way below today's numbers, there was no inflation, our Allies respected us, our adversaries feared us, no supply chain crisis, baby food was available, remember when Trump created Operation Warp Speed and the entire left said impossible it would take 5 years, remember when there were only 400,000 dead Americans and under Biden it's over ONE MILLION Americans DEAD because he and his VP bad mouthed the Three Vaccines Trump gave him? Remember when Roe Vs Wade was still in place under trump? Remember when New York prosecuted criminals with guns, then they stopped prosecuting and then the Supreme Court overturned New York's unconstitutional gun laws so law abiding citizens can apply for a gun permit to protect themselves for the skyrocketing violent crime under this Socialist Dictatorship.Remember when there was Peace in the Middle East, other countries entering into peace agreements with Israel, Russia stayed inside their own border, the military, law enforcement respected the POTUS, Remember when teachers taught 5 year old students reading writing and arithmetic instead of questioning their sex, remember when politicians worked for American citizens instead of making us last, But all of that was wayyyy back (like 17 months ago) before president dementia and vice president Whore took over.
      See what happens when you elect a weak, uncaring Dictator who doesn't give a damn about you, our Freedom, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights. Today might be the best day of your life because under this Disastrous Dictatorship tomorrow might bring even more Chaos.

      [Reply ]

        Re: Biden's weakness brought this
        Posted on: 2022-06-24 10:44:37   By: Anonymous
        No...I don't remember any of that, and I'm old enough to. But you're very creative, great imagination. But, peace in the middle east? That hasn't existed for well over 100 years.

        What I do remember is Republicans who respected the rile of law, and respected law enforcement. That was only a few years ago.

        But then I saw 4000-6000 Republicans attacking our nation's capitol, Republicans beating law officers for hours, injuring over 100 and nearly killing many.
        Then a few weeks ago police in Idaho arrested a couple dozen Republicans organized to riot at a gay parade. Within days, those police were recieving death threats from other Republicans, just for doing their jobs.
        Then, just lately I heard the recording of our Republican ex-president calling election officials, threatening and coercing them to invent 11780 votes for him out of thin air.

        Please check me on all this. But it's clear, Republicans have absolutely no respect for the law, or the welfare, the very lives of our brave law enforcement officers.

        [Reply ]

          Re: Biden's weakness brought this
          Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:04:24   By: Anonymous

          [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:56:14   By: Anonymous
    Republicans have lost their minds, beginning with Trump and culminating today with the dangerous ruling by SCOTUS.

    The justices that carried the vote overturning Roe are all Trump appointees, supported by Republican Senators.

    [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:21:11   By: Anonymous
I want to know who the other driver was that Paul Pelosi hit while he was drunk, and got caught. My first question to be asked of that person would be, Was there another person in that Porsche, and if so, who was it? Secondly, Paul Pelosi chose to drive drunk because he knows he’s protected, time to end that racket, right Gavy, DiFi, Barbara Boxer, and the rest of the bottom feeders! Now, go burn churches, pregnancy centers, show your true colors, atleast half of this country is made up of fools who think they are going to run this place, and if they don’t get their way, they will turn to 3 yr. Olds again, and throw a *bleep* fit!

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    Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:33:53   By: Anonymous
    Yeh, and I'd like to know why Jordan, Meadows, Flynn, Eastman, etc., refuse to appear or plead the 5th when questioned about January 6th? Even Donald Trump has said if you need to plead the 5th you're guilty.

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:38:02   By: Anonymous
      ^ They learnt that move from democrats...

      [Reply ]

        Posted on: 2022-06-24 11:27:00   By: Anonymous
        I think most Republicans learned that while incarcerated. Damn lib judges keep letting them out.

        [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:44:38   By: Anonymous
      It's an illegal prosecution.
      More importantly this, brought to you by a former Democrat voter.
      Do you remember when we were a sovereign nation, the border was under control, gas prices were ridiculously low compared to now, Mass Shootings we're 400 % less then today, violent crime, rapes, Shootings we're way below today's numbers, there was no inflation, our Allies respected us, our adversaries feared us, no supply chain crisis, baby food was available, remember when Trump created Operation Warp Speed and the entire left said impossible it would take 5 years, remember when there were only 400,000 dead Americans and under Biden it's over ONE MILLION Americans DEAD because he and his VP bad mouthed the Three Vaccines Trump gave him? Remember when Roe Vs Wade was still in place under trump? Remember when New York prosecuted criminals with guns, then they stopped prosecuting and then the Supreme Court overturned New York's unconstitutional gun laws so law abiding citizens can apply for a gun permit to protect themselves for the skyrocketing violent crime under this Socialist Dictatorship.Remember when there was Peace in the Middle East, other countries entering into peace agreements with Israel, Russia stayed inside their own border, the military, law enforcement respected the POTUS, Remember when teachers taught 5 year old students reading writing and arithmetic instead of questioning their sex, remember when politicians worked for American citizens instead of making us last, But all of that was wayyyy back (like 17 months ago) before president dementia and vice president Whore took over.
      See what happens when you elect a weak, uncaring Dictator who doesn't give a damn about you, our Freedom, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights. Today might be the best day of your life because under this Disastrous Dictatorship tomorrow might bring even more Chaos.

      [Reply ]

        Posted on: 2022-06-24 16:28:37   By: Anonymous
        BS. All of it, but to be expected from a qanontrumper.

        [Reply ]

    Re: It's Biden's Fault Again, now comes the LEFTS Violence Ways
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:05:29   By: Anonymous
    3 yr olds throwing *bleep* fits? I don't think so, these people who do not believe in our Bill of Rights, who also don't believe in our Constitution, unless it only rules on what they want, will again, brun, loot and destroy, because our President won't even say stop, our liberal DA's won't prosecute. And sorry to say, our Law Enforcement might not try to stop them because our President won't back them from stopping criminals, from stealing, burning, looting, violent crimes, even murder. Our President will throw them under the bus again.

    [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:05:52   By: Anonymous
    Change the topic....wanna know something?....look it up

    [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:50:24   By: Anonymous
I'll have another deep fried arm.

[Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 08:57:11   By: Anonymous

Come the Midterms, 86% of voters say the economy woes will be their biggest concerns when voting, followed by high gas prices, followed by high food cost,followed by crime rates soaring, followed by health ins prices.
As for Jan 6th findings, bottom of the barrel at number 12.
"Just over 62% of likely voters say the findings of the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, unrest at the Capitol will have "NO IMPACT ON HOW THEY CAST THEIR BALLOTS"in the midterms this year, according to a poll by the Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group."
It seems only the people who watch The View and the imbecile left on THEPINETREE think, and I use that word lightly, for the dingbat left up here,
so keep dreaming, maybe dream of Whoopi Goldberg throwing her cornrows in the ring to run for president in 2024, Lord knows she'd be better than Biden/ Harris tag demons

[Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:00:39   By: Anonymous
So, according to Republicans, Red states, and the Trumps SCOTUS appointees :
An 18 your old woman who has been raped or otherwise has need for an abortion can’t get it and may become a criminal
An 18 yo boy has a right to just go by an AR 15 with high cap mags designed to kill people. And goes shoot up an elementary school or grocery store.

[Reply ]

Be Prepared!
Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:21:48   By: Anonymous
These women are welcome in California!! Women in non abortion states must plan ahead and have resources and money put aside to travel to abortion states for the procedure if it becomes necessary. It is now up to the women to be prepared. It is the rotten republican states that will not allow it in their states. Do not vote for republicans!!

[Reply ]

    Re: Be Prepared!
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:28:26   By: Anonymous
    Trump has my VOTE

    [Reply ]

      Re: Be Prepared!
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 10:00:18   By: Anonymous
      Mine too. Voted on a poll to charge him with conspiracy , obstruction of the laws, sedition, inciting violent insurrection, just for starters.

      [Reply ]

    Re: Be Prepared!
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:33:08   By: Anonymous
    Bravo. However, some states see,a to make it criminal to leave their state for an abortion. Texas even wanted to allow private persons to file a lawsuit against a woman who was planning to get an abortion. Basically they want to criminaliE going to another state. With a criminal statute and some probable cause from a citizen complaint, potentially the cops could get the woman’s health records with a search warrant to aid the prosecution

    Republicans have created more problems and conflict than they ever imagined.. Businesses that need to hire skilled employees may find that they can’t get the employees they want.

    [Reply ]

    Re: Be Prepared!
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:44:59   By: Anonymous
    I am sooo thankful to be in California!!! For my boyfriend and I abortion is a must. He has gotten me pregnant four times in the last two years and each time I got an abortion. So lucky to be here and have the choice!!

    [Reply ]

      Re: Be Prepared!
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 09:57:26   By: Anonymous

      [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 11:05:58   By: Anonymous
Thanks Mom and Dad for not aborting me, my Brother and my Sister! We would have been considered poor back in 1947, I was given the chance to live, and my siblings as well! My parents taught us to be honest, hard working, and to love our Creator.
One of our Grandmother's came to America because she was pregnant at 15. I would never have had an uncle named Earl, and my two cousins, he and Aunt Gladyce produced. I’m thankful everyday that I was given the chance to live, to grow up on a dairy, where hard work was a way of life, responsibility, and dedication to Faith and family we’re most important!

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:09:46   By: Anonymous
    And? So would you deny someone else an essential right of privacy between them, their doctor, and minister.

    [Reply ]

The self-righteous Left will now start more violence
Posted on: 2022-06-24 11:32:25   By: Anonymous
Gun Rights and Abortion Rights for ones who can't defend themselves Just think about it, 50 Years ago the populations couldn't see the x-rays like today, where it's plain to see that little gift of life in a mother with a heart beating, see fully formed toes and fingers as we see those images today. Many of those seeking abortions just because they would of been inconvenient to ask the guy to use protection or she wouldn't. Is that really worth committing murder? Politicians like Nancy Pelosi wanted a woman to have the right of abortion to the very end of a pregnancy.
Tough call, it's a woman's body, but who's defending that little fetus that hasn't a voice except those who seem to care a helluva lot more then the always, self-righteous Left?

[Reply ]

    Anti Contraception Next
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 12:49:01   By: Anonymous
    The SCOTUS is waiting for a case to outlaw contraception.
    After this, the gay marriage laws, bi racial laws, and equal protection for those who ate trans.

    If God created a trans person, then they should have all the rights of a fetus.

    Hypocrites, all they want to do is control women and minorities, this is not Christian, it is perversion of Christianity.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Anti Contraception Next
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:13:22   By: Anonymous
      A guy who impregnates a woman and fails to pay full child support should have to get a vasectomy, and if they do it again they should be neutered.. How about that?

      [Reply ]

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