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Posted by: thepinetree on 04/01/2020 04:05 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 04/01/2020 04:05 PM
Expires: 01/01/2025 12:00 AM

Senate Republican Leader Says Governor's Latest Water Restrictions Could Harm Food Supply

Sacramento, CA...Senate Republican Leader Shannon GroveĀ (R-Bakersfield) issued the following statement after Governor Newsom's administration released its Incidental Take Permit (ITP) which will govern water delivery within the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta for the California State Water Project (SWP). Included in the ITP are provisions which will reduce water supply for Kern County and other regions:

"As the Senate Republican Leader, I have worked alongside the Governor throughout the COVID-19 crisis to support efforts to mitigate the effects of this pandemic. However, I will not stand idly by while his actions put America's food security in jeopardy.

"The Governor has disregarded our food producers, workers and families by proposing to restrict water flows to a region which supplies one of America's most essential needs - food.

"California grows much of the nation's food and is home to the top three agricultural-producing counties. It is immoral to eliminate the water which grows the food that stocks America's pantries. During a time when Californians are reliant on state leadership to support basic needs, the Governor needs to stand up and meet this moment by investing in our nation's food security," said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove.

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