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Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 05/05/2008 03:38 PM Updated by: Kim_Hamilton on 05/05/2008 03:38 PM
Expires: 01/01/2013 12:00 AM

A Few Tips on Fire Season~By Cameron Bur

My typical relaxing Saturday was recently given an all too familiar jolt when the calm of my early morning was broken by the thunder of airplanes and helicopters flying closely overhead. Stepping outside I looked up to see exactly what I didn't want to, a CDF Tactical plane, Tanker and Helicopter - and they were close, seemingly circling directly over head. Scanning the horizon, I found that the fire was very close, only about a 1/4 mile from my home.....

Fortunately CDF and our Local Firefighters where on the absolute top of their game and had this fire stomped out in record time. When all was said and done only 3/4's of an acre of vegetaion was lost.

2007 was a bad year for Calaveras fires, and this year is looking dangerously similiar. We have drier than usual conditions, worse even than last year. Cal Fire is reporting that moisture conditions are about 90 percent below average across the state. Our fire protection crews are doing their part, with increased work force and suspending burn permits earlier than usual.

We can help as well. Cover up those burn piles and wait for better conditions. If you smoke be mindful of where your standing, and if you must discard your cigarettes on the ground, at least make sure they're completely out. At the very least don't throw them out of your car windows. Take a look at the trees and brush around your home, do you have enough defensible space? How's your address sign? Is it clearly marked in an easy to understand location? Will the fire crews be able to respond to your house quickly?

Fire season is here in full swing folks, lets do our part to help keep the threat contained this year.

Cameron Bur
Stark Realty
REALTOR/Marketing Manager
P. 209.754.3232
F. 209.754.9032

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