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Remember Me

Posted by: thepinetree on 07/18/2016 09:17 AM Updated by: thepinetree on 07/18/2016 10:56 AM
Expires: 01/01/2021 12:00 AM

Murphys Homecoming Ran, Gamed, Danced, Duck Raced, Jail & Bailed & Bocced To Success

Murphys, CA...Murphys Homecoming regained Its luster as a time for residents, their friends from neighboring communities, and the people who had moved away to gather for a Norman Rockwell like day of fun, games, music, picnics, and camaraderie. The Murphys Community Club’s board of directors and volunteer planning committee, breathed new life into this cherished tradition. The new and improved 68th Murphys Homecoming brought activities for all the members of the Murphys family, old timers and newcomers alike, young and old.

The day will kicked off with a run/walk organized by Brian Klassen, who has staged many successful similar runs. Named the Firecracker Five, it was five miles in length and was patterned after a foot race that was held in the area in the 70’s and 80’s. Participants gathered at the park and traversed a course that traveled down Six Mile Road, past Ironstone Vineyards and returned to the park. Admission “cost” was a non-perishable food item that will be donated to the Murphys Pantry.

The morning activities included a craft table for kids, fishing games, face painting, vintage photo opportunities, and the chance to help a local celebrity get out of jail. The willing “Jail or Bail” participants were arrested and incarcerated in the historic Murphys Pokey. The inmate’s responsibility was to raise enough money to buy his or her freedom.

Another morning highlight was the Murphys Cakewalk. A game, very popular in the 19th century, a cakewalk is much like musical chairs with delectable baked goods as prizes.

From 11:30 to 1 p.m. rousing music will filled the air provided by Mic Harper and the Calaveras Community Band. Tracing its heritage to the gold rush days, the band played a wide range of music from Sousa marches to classical music. Its repertoire contains pieces for everyone’s musical taste.

Throughout the morning, and well into the afternoon, Helen’s Hut was the place to go to purchase barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs, ice cream, and a wide variety of beverages including beer and wine. As is the case with most of the day’s activities, proceeds went to Murphys Community Club that has the responsibility to maintain the much used community park.

A long-standing Homecoming tradition, the Old Timers Luncheon, sponsored by the Native Daughters of the Golden West, was provided for any Murphys resident who has lived in the area for at least ten years and has reached the age of 70.

At 1 p.m. the first of three much anticipated and sold out duck races were held for the benefit of the Calaveras Youth Mentoring Foundation.

During the afternoon there was a variety of games for all ages including sack, three-legged and wheelbarrow races, water balloon toss, and a very serious tug of war.

The day’s activities concluded with the First Annual Homecoming Bocce Ball Tournament starting at 6 pm. Organized by Jan Schulz and his Bocce Buddies, the tournament will featured 20 two-person teams that will descend on the recently created bocce courts to vie for fame and prizes.

Murphys Community Park is located on Algiers St. in historic downtown Murphys. Membership in the Murphys Community Club is open to everyone and contributions are tax deductible. For further information, call 728-8183, or click on the Community Club link at

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