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Posted by: Lea_Marie_C_Paar on 06/05/2014 04:58 PM Updated by: Lea_Marie_C_Paar on 06/05/2014 04:58 PM
Expires: 01/01/2019 12:00 AM

Announcing Public Health Volunteer Opportunity

San Andreas, Ca...Calaveras Public Health Services is recruiting residents to be trained as Community Health Workers. Community Health Workers [CHW] guide adults in learning chronic condition self-management skills. The Community Health Workers conduct workshops in the areas where they live. “We are looking for adults that have a chronic condition or a partner/family member caring for someone with a chronic condition to become the CHWs,” stated Dr. Dean Kelaita, County Health Officer. The participants will learn the Healthier Living model developed by Stanford University. The strength of the model is that the CHWs are people in the community who also have chronic conditions and have been trained in self-management skills that include physical activity, reducing stress, healthy eating and communication with your doctor. This is an opportunity for local residents to gain personal skills in managing a chronic condition and support building skills with others...

“A chronic condition is a health problem like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, depression or diabetes,” continued Dr. Kelaita. Chronic conditions are ongoing medical conditions that can shorten lives if not managed. They can limit a person doing everyday activities. In California, 14 million adults [38%] live with at least one chronic condition.

Helping patients to make good choices and practice healthy behaviors requires a relationship between the medical providers, patients and their families. Medical providers rely on their patients to follow their recommendations but only have a short time to spend teaching their patients self-management skills. In the workshop, people learn how to build skills and gain the confidence they need to lead healthier lives. Health or medical experience is not required.

There is no-cost to be trained. It requires a 4 day, 8 hours per day initial commitment to complete the training. The four day training will be held in San Andreas on July 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th. There is a commitment after being trained to conduct two workshop series
a year in the communities where the CHWs live. You must register in advance to attend the training. For registration information, contact Public Health Services at 209.754.6460 or visit the Public Health website for the application at The training and workshops are funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the Prevention and Public Health Fund, as part of the California Community Transformation Initiative, a project of the Public Health Institute.

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