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Posted by: thepinetree on 11/26/2013 10:55 AM Updated by: thepinetree on 11/26/2013 11:11 AM
Expires: 01/01/2018 12:00 AM

Over $26,000!!!!! Raised at Santa's Express Fundraiser at Frogtown

Frotown, CA....Over $26,000 was raised Saturday night in an evening that showcased the generosity of Calaveras County and small town America. If you needed any additional reasons why this area is a wonderful area to live, it doesn't get any better than this. A quote from one of the organizers, Gna Galloway "Drumroll please.............last year, we did $15k in one night...this year...we surpassed that amount by over $10,000! Yes you read that right....we, as a community, raised over $26,000!!!!!!!! We are blown away by the support we have continued to receive year after year....thank you....words can not express how amazing everyone is who helped us reach those astounding numbers.." Over 500 dinners were served in a great night of food, music, fun and friendship.

We haven't researched the numbers for a few years but Calaveras County has ranked very high in the United States as one of the most generous areas as a percentage of per capita income.

That isn't the only way to measure a community but it certainly is a good one. People here care about their neighbors and give and support them even when at times it may be a but uncertain who should be donating to whom.

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