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Posted by: John_Hamilton on 11/24/2012 12:56 PM Updated by: John_Hamilton on 11/24/2012 01:11 PM
Expires: 01/01/2017 12:00 AM

Hundreds Turned Up To Trot in 6th Annual Klassen Klassic Turkey Trot

Murphys, CA... A large crowd was on had bright and early Thanksgiving Morning for the 6th Annual Klassen Klassic Turkey Trot. What started as a small town morning jog on Thanksgiving morning, has turned into a Thanksgiving Tradition in Murphys. Brian Klassen, owner of Klassen Wines, started the run in 2006, "The group I run with decided we should start a Turkey Trot. The first year word spread and I couldn't believe about 40 people showed up," Brian's daughter, Sally, took the race to a new level when she made it her senior project in 2009. "That year we raised more money, got more publicity, more sponsorships and saw a lot more people show up," Klassen added....

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The race is for runners, walkers and is either 2.5 or 5 miles long. Admission to the race was a can of food, donated to the local food banks. Cash donations were also accepted. Race t-shirt designed by Sally were available for $20, proceeds from t-shirt sales go to local families in need.

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