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Remember Me

Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 07/19/2011 11:58 PM Updated by: John_Hamilton on 07/20/2011 12:34 AM
Expires: 01/01/2016 12:00 AM


Murphys, CA...Murphys Irish Day, one of the Mother Lode’s most popular celebrations, is at a crossroads, its future in doubt. Each year on the third Saturday of March upwards of 10,000 people flock to the historic Gold Rush town to enjoy live entertainment, peruse the wares of over 100 craftsmen and other vendors, explore the many shops along Main St., partake of good food and beverages, watch an old-time rural America parade, and thoroughly have a wonderful time....

“For many people Irish Day is their introduction to our community and Calaveras County,” states Steve Gomez, president of the Murphys Business Association, the organization that stages the event. “They come, discover all that we have to offer, and return time and time again. It is one of our major marketing tools.”

What began many years ago as a low-key local Irish themed festival, honoring the town’s Celtic history, has grown into a major tourist attraction and community happening. For several years an event coordinator was hired and paid by the MBA. Since 2007 it has been a wholly volunteer effort coordinated by a small group of section leaders under the direction of Michele Plotnik, who is now the immediate past president of the MBA.

“I have been blessed to work with a committee of talented people who give unselfishly of their time for several months to make Irish Day at success,” says Plotnik. “We have enjoyed working together to make this contribution to our community, but we feel it is time for others to step up and take on the responsibilities. We are willing to do it for one more year, particularly because in 2012 it falls on St. Patrick’s Day, but after that we are going to turn over our jobs to others.”

The committee is making this announcement well in advance of the first planning session so people can consider what task they would like to take on and learn what is entailed by being part of the organizing process.
In addition to the event coordinator, the other posts that must be filled include: solicitation of sponsors, securing entertainment, volunteer recruitment, packaging raffle prizes, supervising the set-up and take-down of stages, etc., parade organizing, media relations, and treasurer. The Murphys Fire Department, that uses the oversight of the vendors as a major fundraiser, will find its own replacement for the current booth coordinator.

“This is a great opportunity for members of the MBA, and other residents, to share their enthusiasm for our town and to lend their skills to continue this most loved tradition,” states Gomez. “If we can’t find people willing to take on these responsibilities we will have to re-think the event. It will have to be restructured or cancelled altogether.”

Anyone who would like to consider taking on a major Irish Day assignment should contact Steve Gomez at 728-0500. He will be happy to answer questions and put you in touch with current committee members to learn what is involved.

Murphys Irish Day is presented each year by the Murphys Business Association with proceeds making it possible for the association to fulfill its goals of sponsoring projects that enhance the community and beautify the business district.

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