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Posted by: thepinetree on 06/23/2016 08:00 AM Updated by: thepinetree on 06/23/2016 08:00 AM
Expires: 01/01/2021 12:00 AM

Steve Cox & Paul De Baldo Honored For Their Service To Bret Harte Students

Angels Camp, CA...At their June 20th board meeting, Bret Harte Union High School District board member Gail Bunge presented this year's Parent/Community Volunteer Awards to Steve Cox and Paul De Baldo, both of Copperopolis. Nominated by retiring Agriculture teacher Roy Beck, Cox was recognized for his volunteer work with FFA and the Ag Department. Along with organizing and managing the See's candy fundraiser, Cox has been a regular figure at all of the Ag events, helping with planning, set-up, and clean-up. Cox spoke highly of FFA and how he wanted to give back something in appreciation for all the program has done for his daughter Amanda, a recent BH grad heading up to Chico to major in Agriculture Education.


De Baldo, nominated by Chief Business Official Gloria Carrillo, is retired with a background in telecommunications, computers, marketing, and business consulting. His mission is to introduce students who may or may not be on a college track to careers in technology and manufacturing. To that end, he has created an endowment fund offering scholarships based on need rather than grades. He has organized field trips for students to companies such as Tesla, and works with schools, students, junior colleges and state departments to accelerate and offer training for students in Career Technical Education. Bret Harte is proud to have parents and community members like Cox and De Baldo involved in helping their students.

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