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Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 08/12/2009 09:22 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 08/12/2009 09:36 PM
Expires: 01/01/2014 12:00 AM

How Computers and Technology Change Our Lives~by Mark Kirkendall of Calaveras IT

Angels Camp, CA...In a number of previous articles I found myself writing about protecting yourself from the dangers and pitfalls of technology, so I think it is only fair to write something positive about the many advances technology has brought to our daily lives. Virtually all facets of our lives are affected by computers and technology. How we work, pay bills, play and communicate with each other have all changed drastically over the past 20+ years....

The desktop PC with its productivity software and the internet has become a necessity in today's workplace. Everything from billing to performing advanced tasks of automation, the office is a different place than it used to be. In our personal lives, many of us pay our bills online, check account balances and more with the click of a button. You can transfer balances between accounts in a snap. GM will even be allowing people to shop for cars and secure financing all from the comfort of your home.

There are countless ways that the computer and other technology has made our lives easier. While you need to be cautious of the source, there is a wealth of information available on the internet making traditional encyclopedias all but obsolete. Your child working on a report for school has data, images, maps and numerous other resources at his or her fingertips. Email allows people from around the globe to communicate at the press of a button. Our teens are texting I don't know how many words a minute to each other in a language that most of us don't understand.

Apart from making our lives easier (usually), what about saving lives? Technology in all areas continues to evolve.

Imagine going to your doctor's office and instead of being handed that little sheet of paper that's impossible to read, the Doctor selects a few options from their mini notebook computer and tells you your prescription is waiting for you at the pharmacy. Before the pharmacy received the prescription, a number of checks were automatically performed comparing a number of criteria including your other medications and correct dosing to ensure there are no conflicts that could cause trouble.

Imagine the soldier on the battlefield who's special eye piece displays a 3D computer map showing his or her location in relation to other US Soldiers. The camera on the end of the soldiers rifle that allows them to see around corners without exposing themselves. Other important information can be conveyed to the soldier with this minicomputer that is attached to their belt. All this is secured through an encrypted wireless network preventing the enemy from tapping into the data.

These types of systems already exist and especially in the example of the medical field, are becoming more commonplace.

It is hard to imagine where computers and technology will take us over the next 20+ years, but it will be important to recognize both the positive and negative aspects technology imposes on our daily lives.

If you have a technology question or topic you would like to see posted here, email

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