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Remember Me

Posted by: thepinetree on 07/19/2024 05:15 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 07/19/2024 05:15 PM
Expires: 01/01/2029 12:00 AM

Suspect Arrested Following Knife Attack

Valley Springs, CA...On July 14th, 2024, at approximately 5:45 A.M., the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a disturbance in the 2000 block of Hartvickson Lane in Valley Springs. When deputies arrived, they found the victim tending to injuries and learned that the suspect had fled the area. Deputies obtained the description of the suspect and suspect vehicle to alert other deputies who were responding.

During the investigation, deputies discovered that the suspect, Felicia Martinez, age 36, of Valley Springs, and the victim, who both reside at this location, were involved in an argument. During the argument, suspect Martinez produced a knife and caused injury to one of the Victim’s extremities. The victim called out for help during the argument, alerting other nearby tenants, causing them to come to the aid of the victim. The tenants found the victim with a serious injury and began rendering first aid to stop the bleeding. As the tenants were attempting to render aid to the victim, the suspect threatened to harm them with the knife she was holding. A tenant threw the suspect her car key and demanded she leave the residence.

At about 6:40 AM, Deputies located suspect Martinez driving her vehicle on Highway 12 near the Toyon Water Tower. Deputies initiated a vehicle enforcement stop, placed suspect Martinez under arrest without incident, and located the knife used to cause injury to the victim. Suspect Martinez was then transported and booked into the Calaveras County Jail on charges of felony domestic violence, felony battery with serious bodily injury, felony criminal threats, and exhibiting a deadly weapon. The victim was transported to a hospital for treatment of the injuries.

There is no further information at this time as the investigation is ongoing.

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No Subject
Posted on: 2024-07-19 17:26:41   By: Anonymous
What unfair, racist persecution of the suspect.

Now she'll never get elected president.

Election interference!

Where's her immunity?

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2024-07-19 17:40:09   By: Anonymous

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2024-07-20 04:52:21   By: Anonymous
      nobody cares about your politcal views. Either side.

      [Reply ]

If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
Posted on: 2024-07-20 07:10:42   By: Anonymous

Great job to the law enforcement officers 👍
If we were a liberal Dem county the suspect would of been booked and then set free with no bail.
That's one of the things I love of a community that enforces our laws. Not much of a wonder why we're a conservative minded county.
Proud of our military (minus the DEI & woke idiots) and First Responders

[Reply ]

    Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
    Posted on: 2024-07-20 08:34:49   By: Anonymous
    Back the Blue*

    *only applies to white men

    [Reply ]

      Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
      Posted on: 2024-07-20 08:56:25   By: Anonymous
      That's the way I like my women Black and Blue.

      [Reply ]

      Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
      Posted on: 2024-07-20 09:08:23   By: Anonymous
      Mommy I'm scared waaaaa 😭 the police only protect white men mommy? Is it cuz all the Democrats had slaves mommy? I know they wore white robes and lynched black people...thousands of them did and they did the same to those Republican people who helped black people...them those Democrat slave owners killed a president who did his best and tried to free them. Why are the white Democrat people so violent mommy? Will the Democrat people try to kill all people they don't like? Like their exclusive Democraps only club the KKK, mommy?

      [Reply ]

        Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
        Posted on: 2024-07-20 09:19:34   By: Anonymous
        ^Here's a typical white, Calaveras dotard.
        Still living in mommy's 40 year old singlewide, no job, drug habit, and collecting public assistance.

        [Reply ]

          Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
          Posted on: 2024-07-20 09:23:19   By: Anonymous
          It sounds like Sniveler to me he lives in a 17' double wide on live oak dr. aka shanty town

          [Reply ]

            Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
            Posted on: 2024-07-20 09:49:06   By: Anonymous
            It is Sniveler his mom gave him the trailer when she left his father and him for Tyrone drove off to the west in a cadillac headed for oakland.

            [Reply ]

              Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
              Posted on: 2024-07-20 11:03:39   By: Anonymous
              It is sniveler his mom....oh that's right, the 3rd grade kids are out of school for Summer.

              [Reply ]

                Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
                Posted on: 2024-07-20 11:46:25   By: Anonymous
                ^ Wow, how original ^
                ( about 4 years ago )

                [Reply ]

                  Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
                  Posted on: 2024-07-20 12:28:58   By: Anonymous
                  I'm sorry anti, but when you've flunked 3rd grade year after year after year......well, youz iz reel dumm

                  [Reply ]

                    Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
                    Posted on: 2024-07-20 13:12:57   By: Anonymous
                    U 2 lo sniveler those are my balls.

                    [Reply ]

                      Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
                      Posted on: 2024-07-20 13:33:50   By: Anonymous
                      Ah! you got it right Sniveler easy with the false teeth...,,, :-)

                      [Reply ]

                        Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
                        Posted on: 2024-07-20 13:38:42   By: Anonymous
                        Gulp Gulp Good Boy

                        [Reply ]

                          Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
                          Posted on: 2024-07-20 15:36:01   By: Anonymous
                          ^^All above??? Third rate wannabe's.........

                          [Reply ]

          Re: If Biden was shot in the ear it would be 24/7/365 news over & over &over & over&over& over&over&over.....
          Posted on: 2024-07-20 11:59:42   By: Anonymous
          Looks like the dimmest of the liberal dems don't like the truth AND getting burned. What's the matter, feeling like the idiot you voted for who's party is throwing axes in his back while they all fight?
          TRUMP certainly brought peace to the Republican party and it sure seems like millions and millions are leaving the Lying, Woke, DEI, F¥©k You Dimacrat Party. Thank God you have Kamala Harris as back up, she come along ways from when she was the first Dimacrat hopeful to dropout from the lowest Dim's numbers, and after the brilliant "Dr" Jill said " GO F¥©K YOUSELF" Kamala. It's even in her book" battle for the soul" like a lib/dim has one.
          Well got to go, peace, love, and laughter, especially at your heros, Joe, Kamala, elder abuser Jill, the DAD! YOU'VE GOT TO KEEP RUNNING OR I'LL GO TO PRISON, Hunter the Drug Addict, Alcoholic Pedophile.
          mmm bye bye loser

          [Reply ]

Big news from Nancy Pelosi and some democrats
Posted on: 2024-07-20 12:22:25   By: Anonymous
Dudes and dudettes, I hope you don't get your breaking news here.
The In-House Fighting Continues. Pelosi may of talked to Biden but she didn't talk with Harris.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., privately told Democrat colleagues that she favors a competitive open primary process if President Joe Biden ends his campaign. "I don't think we can do a coronation [of Harris]." Nothing like politicians having your back🪓 but it sure seems those other guys have their act together while you fight, bicker and don't have another Justice system hand to play against Teflon Don.
Sooner or later the Democrats were going to get caught abusing the Justice system, trashing our Constitution, and the Republicans didn't stoop to your level.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass Joe and Kamala, as the corrupt administration fights among themselves.

[Reply ]

    Re: Big news from Nancy Pelosi and some democrats
    Posted on: 2024-07-20 13:09:44   By: Anonymous
    He lives on for another day after drinking bleach and Jill sticking a few dozen deworming pills up Joe's ass he'll be back on the campaign trail soon. As a Republican keep up the good work joe...,,,

    [Reply ]

      Re: Big news from Nancy Pelosi and some democrats
      Posted on: 2024-07-20 15:37:34   By: Anonymous
      "As a Republican", you are a clueless rube. A pawn of Trumps, a card carrying idiot.

      [Reply ]

        No Subject
        Posted on: 2024-07-20 16:37:20   By: Anonymous
        What in the hell was that ? Trumps RNC SPEECH…. RAMBLING LIKE A COMPLETE LUNATIC. FOR A HOUR AND A HALF. With his Criminal Record. Out on bail. Sexual assault.Fraud. Does that sound like someone that should Just Disappear ….

        [Reply ]

          Posted on: 2024-07-20 16:40:10   By: Anonymous

          [Reply ]

            Posted on: 2024-07-20 16:47:00   By: Anonymous
            They say Trump wasn’t actually hit by the round . A glass fragment form the teleprompter. He is withholding the medical records. There is nothing under that kleenex on his ear. It’s fake news…

            [Reply ]

              Posted on: 2024-07-20 16:50:47   By: Anonymous
              The Man is A complete FRAUD. He is UNFIT TO BE THE PRESIDENT …. HE IS A FELON OUT ON BAIL …

              [Reply ]

              Posted on: 2024-07-21 08:31:34   By: Anonymous
              Even snopes says your claim is false. Time for you to continue drinking yourself to death and commenting to your own posts in a pathetic attempt to make it look like even one other person agrees with you.

              [Reply ]

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