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Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Staff Announcements
This is a time for County staff to provide updates of upcoming County events that may be of interest to the public.
Recognition and Acknowledgments
1. Adopt a proclamation declaring August 2024 as Immunization Awareness Month in Calaveras County.
document Proclamation Printout
2. Proclaim the week of July 21-26, 2024 as Probation Services Week in Calaveras County.
document Proclamation Printout
General Public Comment - 30 Minutes
Consent Agenda
3. Minutes of Jun 25, 2024 10:00 AM
4. Minutes of Jul 9, 2024 8:00 AM
5. Minutes of Jul 16, 2024 9:00 AM
6. Appointment of applicants to serve on various Committees, Commissions, Advisory Boards and County Service Areas.
document Action Item Printout
a. 20240615 Vacancy List
c. 2024 MHB DFassett Ap_Redacted
7. Authorize the 1) Board Chair to execute an Agreement with Oakendell, Inc., for the provision of specialty mental health services, in an amount not to exceed $515,000, for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, to be utilized on an as needed basis; and 2) Director of Health and Human Services Agency to execute amendments thereto so long as internal approvals have been obtained and the not to exceed amount does not increase.
document Agreement Printout
a. Oakendell Agmt FY24-25 for BOS
8. By a 4/5ths vote, 1) find project exempt from CEQA; 2) adopt a Resolution authorizing the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) – Public Health Division (PHD) to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sierra HOPE to receive reimbursement of funds for the acquisition of a new capital asset in the form of a hygienic shower trailer; 3) authorize the Purchasing Agent and HHSA to purchase a hygienic shower trailer; 4) approve a budget transfer increasing expected revenues and increasing capital expenditures in the amount of $75,750; and 5) authorize the Auditor-Controller to add the equipment to the capital asset list.
document Resolution Printout
a. Budget Transfer for BOS
b. MOU Sierra HOPE and CCHHS DPH for BOS
9. Authorize the Board Chair to sign a no-cost Memorandum of Understanding between Calaveras County and Habitat for Humanity for providing volunteers to conduct beautification projects at various County facilities, and find exempt from CEQA.
document Agreement Printout
a. MOU 7.23.24
10. Approve appointment of a candidate in Human Services pursuant to County Code Section 2.64.645 - Employment of Family Member.
document Action Item Printout
11. Authorize the Board Chair to execute Amendment #2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Geo-Logic Associates to provide Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Services for Rock Creek and Red Hill Solid Waste Facilities for a total not to exceed amount of $1,432,349 for the period of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
document Agreement Printout
a. 1170-2101 GLA Monitoring Contract 6-30-2023
b. 1170-2101-A1 GLA Monitoring Contract Amendment #1
c. Routing Form
d. 1170-2101-A2 GLA Monitoring Contract Amendment #2
12. Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a Blanket Purchase Order for Hunt and Sons in an amount not to exceed $160,000 for fiscal year 2024-25.
document Action Item Printout
13. Adopt a Resolution re-affirming the Director of Emergency Services’ Proclamation of a Local State of Emergency for the Winter Storm Damage from extreme weather events that began on or around December 29, 2022.
document Resolution Printout
14. Authorize the Board Chair to execute Amendment 09 to Agreement 1200-1808 with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. for final design, right-of-way, and construction support services for the Dogtown Road Bridge Replacement Projects (French Gulch, San Domingo, and Indian Creek), increasing the maximum amount payable under this Agreement by $47,498 for an amount not to exceed $1,295,233.
document Agreement Printout
a. 1200-1808 A09 Mark Thomas and Company Inc
b. 1200-1808 A08 Mark Thomas
c. 1200-1808 A07 Mark Thomas
d. 1200-1808 A06 Mark Thomas
e. 1200-1808 A05 Mark Thomas
f. 1200-1808 A04 Mark Thomas
g. 1200-1808 A03 Mark Thomas
h. 1200-1808 A02 Mark Thomas
i. 1200-1808 A01 Mark Thomas
j. 1200-1808 Mark Thomas and Company Inc
15. 1) Accept the work of Tennyson Electric, Inc. for the construction of the Downtown Murphys Street Lighting Upgrade Project; 2) Authorize the Board Chair to sign and record the associated Notice of Completion; 3) Approve a budget transfer for the Murphys Lighting District in the amount of $30,171, requiring 4/5 affirmative vote of the Board of Supervisors; and 4) Authorize the Department of Public Works to release all retained funds.
document Action Item Printout
a. Murphys Lighting Budget Transfer
b. Murphys Lighting Notice of Completion
16. 1) Award Invitation to Bid 23-1020-23-913 for construction of the 2024 Road Resurfacing and Paving Program; and 2) Authorize the Board Chair to execute construction contract 1020-2404 with Mountain Cascade, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $3,613,148.
document Agreement Printout
a. 1020-2404 Mountain Cascade Inc
17. Direct the County Purchasing Agent to issue Blanket Purchase Orders for McCoy Tire Service in an amount not to exceed $55,000; Foothill Materials in an amount not to exceed $50,000; Eastburn, LLC in an amount not to exceed $70,000; Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $125,000; Valley Pacific Petroleum in an amount not to exceed $150,000; HOLT of California in an amount not to exceed $115,000; Hunt and Sons in an amount not to exceed $300,000; and George Reed, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $500,000 for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.
document Action Item Printout
18. 1) Award Request for Proposal 23-1200-21-925 for Construction Management for the Valley Springs School Safety Improvement Project; and 2) Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement with Consor North America, Inc. for construction management services for the Valley Springs School Safety Improvement Project in an amount not to exceed $202,500 with a term limit of July 23, 2024 through June 30, 2025.
document Agreement Printout
a. 1200-2407 Consor North America Inc
b. 1200-2407 Routing Form
Regular Agenda
19. Adopt a Resolution approving 1) a new salary schedule for classifications within the Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Sheriff's Management Unit, Calaveras County Public Safety Employees Association, and for unrepresented employees; 2) the Salary Schedule implementation process as outlined; and 3) the described changes to the Position Control List including reclassifications, elimination of positions, and updated job descriptions.
document Resolution Printout
a. Salary Schedule Exhibit A 7.23.24
b. DRAFT Assistant County Executive Officer
c. FINAL Assistant County Executive Officer
d. DRAFT Deputy CEO
e. FINAL Deputy CEO
f. DRAFT Director HR and Risk Management
g. FINAL Director HR and Risk Management
h. DRAFT HR Manager
i. FINAL HR Manager
j. DRAFT HR Office Assistant
k. FINAL HR Office Assistant
l. Meet and Confer Agrmt. CCPSEA
m. Meet and Confer Agreement - SMU
n. Meet and Confer Agreement - DSA
Supervisor Announcements
In compliance with Govt. Code § 53232.3(d), Board members shall provide brief reports on any meetings attended at the expense of the local agency, and may make other announcements or report out.
Closed Session Agenda
1. Pursuant to Govt. Code § 54956.9(d)(2), conference with legal counsel re anticipated litigation (one case) – significant exposure to litigation.