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Posted by: thepinetree on 12/16/2022 06:52 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 12/16/2022 06:52 PM
Expires: 01/01/2027 12:00 AM

On The County Strategic Plan ~ Albert J. Segalla

San Andreas, CA...We are fortunate in how well the Supervisors work together and with the CAO. There is some public concern about expanding government with subsequent loss of human rights to life, liberty and property. Also, loss of home rule.

One way this expansion seems to occur is the funding of our needs by government grants which come with strings.

The courts have ruled that the entity which government subsidies it should control. I agree.

We seem to have created hundreds of regulations which tend to stifle business and development while increasing the tax burden even though the grants are "free money".

What now? Perhaps we could start by paying our own way. This means planning and budgeting for the future.

Why not study our present commitments, plus work with other entities to find ways to bring about freedom friendly solutions?

Shouldn't this be part of our Strategic Plan?

Albert J. Segalla,
Copperopolis, CA

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