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Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 03/13/2008 02:31 PM Updated by: Kim_Hamilton on 03/13/2008 02:32 PM
Expires: 01/01/2013 12:00 AM

Thoughts on Dogs, Cats and Relationships~By Karen Wildwood

There are cat people and there are dog people and there are a few in between people. But, have you ever stopped to consider how being one or the other can have an affect on your relationship? Now, I know this seems a small thing in the realm of relationships, but, it’s one of those lifestyle things that you have to face head on instead of trying to brush it under the carpet, which we all want to do with our differences when we are first in a relationship.....

There seem to be a lot more dog people out there than cat people, and they are very vocal and proud of the love of their dogs. On internet dating sites you’re more likely to see the username of doglover or lovedogs or some such variation of the same than you are to find the same types of names with a cat reference.

Dog lovers typically involve their dogs in their overall lifestyle. They take them for walks, because, let’s face it, they have to. You see them out in the parks with their dogs and traveling with them as well. In case you haven’t noticed there are a lot of motels out there that accept pets, primarily dogs, because people don’t want to be without this member of their family.

Cat lovers are different. It’s not that cats aren’t part of their overall lifestyle, but since cats are generally independent creatures, their owners seem to be that way too. It’s an oddity to see a cat owner walking their cat on a leash let alone travel with them.

Generally the way that cats and dogs express their affections are different too. Most cats may seem like they’re enjoying a bit of attention that they solicited until they moment when they bite you. And, mind you, there is no lead up to the bite, they are enjoying themselves one minute and they’re biting you the next. The same can’t be said of most dogs. You know when they want attention and they typically don’t turn on you in the middle of receiving it.

Dogs are almost always happy to see you when you get home, running up to say hello and wanting attention right then and there, while cats are more likely to spend half and hour yelling at you if you’re not home on time than express any type of joy at the fact that you are home. If you go away for a weekend, the yelling and ignoring will last far more than half and hour and reconciliation is only on their terms.

What I find fascinating in relationships is that there seem to be a lot more dog lovers who are intolerant of cats than the other way around. I’m sure if they lived with them for a while the differences would all be ironed out, but initially many dog lovers I know don’t want anything to do with cats, while cat owners just have a ‘whatever’ attitude toward dogs.

The bottom line is no matter if you’re a dog person or a cat person, if you really love someone you’ll accept the things you don’t like and learn to live with them because you care about that other person.

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