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Posted by: News_Desk on 01/18/2017 12:48 PM Updated by: News_Desk on 01/18/2017 12:48 PM
Expires: 01/01/2022 12:00 AM

Calaveras County Seeking Proposals For Butte Fire Hazardous Tree Removal Program

San Andreas, CA...The County of Calaveras, Public Works Department (County) is seeking proposals in an effort to obtain the services from qualified and experienced forestry professionals, arborists, or project management professionals (professional or Consultant) who will provide all project management and coordination services to oversee the County’s, 2015 Butte Fire Incident hazardous tree removal program.

The 2015 Butte Fire Incident killed or mortally injured over 8,400 trees along the County’s roadways. These trees are considered potential hazards and must be removed. The County has entered into a contract with Tetra Tech, Inc. for Arboricultural and Tree Removal Monitoring Services and with Phillips and Jordan, Inc. for Hazardous Tree Removal Services. As the hazardous tree removal program is expected to be funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency )FEMA(, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services )Cal-OES(, and from County funds, the selected consultant is expected to have experience with the requirements of FEMA’s Disaster Assistance Programs related to debris removal. The ideal consultant will have a solid understanding of all applicable rules, regulations, and guidance including but not limited to the rules and requirements for Federal Grants )2 CFR 200(, Public Assistance Debris Management Guide FEMA 325, etc., and provide for the accountability of all work items to satisfy FEMA’s auditing requirements.

Interested parties may view the Request for Proposals on the County’s website at Proposals are due no later than 4:00 PM on January 27, 2017, the Calaveras County Administrator’s Office, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA 95249-9709.

Published: January 18, 20, 25 & 27, 2017 VSN

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