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Posted by: thepinetree on 03/08/2016 10:41 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 03/08/2016 10:41 PM
Expires: 01/01/2021 12:00 AM

Help AMA Sports Send A Local Racer To The Jr. Regionals

Avery, CA...When we started the AMA Snowsports program, we hoped an athlete would come along who was smart, athletic and a good soul blazing with passion for ski racing. When we met Michelle Morozinski, she was a shy little girl with a huge smile that radiated joy. Fast forward six years and she still has the big smile, but she has also developed killer focus and a commitment for excellence that has allowed her to dominate the Central Series in California winning 5 of the 6 races so far this year- dropping one by skiing too hard and missing a gate.

Click Above The Help Michelle Reach Her Goals

Michelle is now an 8th Grader at Avery Middle School in Calaveras County. Her parents, Lukas and Edyta, emigrated from Poland to create a better life for their young family. Settling in Calaveras, they had the typical emigrant experience working hard doing thankless jobs no one else wants. Lukas, an avid weightlifter in Poland, found work doing  maintenance, eventually landing at Bear Valley Mountain. Edyta, a professional with a civil engineering degree in Poland, got to work cleaning houses and going back to school to pursue a nursing degree here. You can see where Michelle gets her work ethic!

Why We're Raising Funds

Ski racing is not an inexpensive sport, but at the lower levels in racing the costs are manageable- especially if you work for the ski area like Lukas does. When you move up in competition, the costs move up too- a lot.

This season, Michelle has won every race she has finished and she’s only not finished one. She is five for six and winning by large margins. Her success caught the attention of USA skiing who invited her to attend the Jr. Regional Championships in Jackson, Wyo. in March. The cost to attend is $1,400 not including travel. This amount pays for her to stay with the other athletes, provides 2 meals/day, covers the coaching and enters her in the four races over the five days of the competition. If Lukas or Edyta wants to travel with her that is extra.

AMA Snowsports has supported Michelle with small scholarships for a number of years. Now that she’s on the cusp of success on the national stage, we want to step up our support and are hoping to raise the entire entry fee for the Jr. Regional Championships.

How We Got Here

The Angels Murphys Arnold Boosters Club was established in 1971 to support youth athletics in Calaveras County by a group of dedicated community volunteers. The Snowsports program was added in 2007 and provides support to local schools for snow experience programs getting kids outdoors to ski and provides small scholarships for local athletes. Funding for this program is provided from the annual screening of the Warren Miller ski movie.

Unfortunately, the last couple years have been challenging for skiing and our fundraising has suffered. This year, we added a new school to our program, so our dollars are being stretched even further. In order for us to help get Michelle to the Jr. Nationals in Wyoming, we need your support.

Our Team

We couldn't help our schools and keep our kids on the hill without people attending the movie screening, the teachers and parents who help coordinate the ski programs in their schools or the generous support of our sponsors- Bear Valley Mountain, The Calaveras Chronicle and The Sierra Nevada Adventure Co.

Join Our Team and Help Spread the Word

Please join us in reaching our goal to help Michelle make it to the Jr. Regional Championships by making a small donation. You can also help us by sharing this Rally via Facebook, Instagram or other social media. Thank You!

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