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Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 05/15/2011 07:57 PM Updated by: Kim_Hamilton on 05/15/2011 07:58 PM
Expires: 01/01/2016 12:00 AM

Early Summer Succotash~by The Lunch Lady

Despite this gray drizzle, summer is coming. I can almost taste it. The cherries and apricots may be few and far between because of the late snows this year, but I will savor each morsel. I am longing for the lush leaves of sweet basil, the juicy peaches, ripe tomatoes with a dash of sea salt, the sight and smell of my Dad canning his spicy, garlicky peppers, and crisp lemon cucumbers from my Mom's garden tossed in vinegar. These are the things I love about summer. This week, I am bridging the gap between the tender days of spring, and the full days of summer with a vegetable dish which includes some of the best of each season. .....

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I noticed the first ears of early corn in the market, and bought some on impulse with low expectations. I know the early ears can be unflavorful and starchy as it sits on a truck traveling from it sunny home to my mountain market. But I was craving a bite of sunshine, so I took the long shot. My reward was remarkable! The corn was tender and sweet, with it's creamy milk and crisp kernels. I prepared it on the cob, off the cob, on pizza, and finally, in a divine succotash with fava beans and fresh mushrooms. The combination was a celebration of seasons on my plate. Please enjoy!

3 ears of sweet white corn, removed from the cob
1 cup of shelled fresh fava beans
1/4lb mushrooms ( I used oyster, shiitake, and morrells), sliced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives
1/4 cup white wine
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Sautee the above ingredients beginning with the mushrooms, then adding wine, then add the corn, fava beans, and herbs last, cooking until the corn kernels become slightly transparent. Serve immediately.

Have a Delicious Day!
Kris Fichtner
Lunch Lady Catering
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