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Remember Me

Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 11/12/2010 10:16 AM Updated by: Kim_Hamilton on 11/12/2010 10:16 AM
Expires: 01/01/2015 12:00 AM

The Kid Connection... "Bedtime Battles"~by Stefanie Pechan

I’ll admit, bedtime is one of my favorite times of day. Once my children are asleep, I can actually get a lot crossed off my to-do list. The road to dreamland can be, for the most part, quite easy. For some though, it can be a battle. From a child’s perspective, going to bed means the end of playtime. Making a fun bedtime routine they can look forward to is key. After dinner, allow for 10-20 minutes of quiet playtime. Dim the lights a little. This tells the brain that it is sleepy-time and the melatonin in the skin cells begin to produce the chemical in the brain that promotes sleep. After playtime, clean up and head down for bath time....

A warm bath also helps sleep to come quicker. It relaxes the mind and body. Scents like lavender can also help speed the process. I have my own children floss and brush their teeth while in the bath. For some reason, they think it is fun and don’t make a fuss.

After bath time, wrap your child in a cozy towel and take them into their room to get ready for story time. I have found that if I make getting dressed for bed into a game, my children tend to dawdle less. I turn getting dressed into a racing game--my boys like to pretend they are race cars. ( Make this game tailored to fit your own children). I say “Start your engines! Ready… Set…Go!”. The boys then race to see who can get dressed the fastest. Once they are dressed, I pull them into my lap and read a few stories. We set a predetermined amount (otherwise, I would be reading all night long). After story time, they get into their beds, and I sing a song, kiss them goodnight, and leave the room.

If you don’t already have a routine in place, how about getting one started? It may take a couple of days, but soon bedtime around your house may be less of a battle and just might become your favorite time of day, as well.

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