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Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 04/24/2011 04:13 PM Updated by: Kim_Hamilton on 04/29/2011 09:14 PM
Expires: 01/01/2016 12:00 AM

Local 8th Grader Headed to State Science Fair.....Still A Little Short of His Goal

Calaveras County, CA...Update 4/28/11: Michael has received some very generous donations from our viewers! The family is so thankful! "I am so excited for him, what a wonderful opportunity he has before him and with his drive to do the best he can, hopefully he will place during the state competition. He is going to go back to the IGA in Copperopolis again tomorrow with his project to answer questions and share what he has discovered. Hopefully by the end of the day he will have reached his goal , he has a baseball game on Saturday morning" States Michael's Grandmother, Cindi Bent.....Local 8th grader, Michael Legge is headed to the State Science Fair! Michael won 1st place at the Calaveras County Science Fair in his division with his project "Mysterious Bacteria vs. Evil Tobacco." Michael is a student at Mark Twain Elementary and needs our help! Here is a letter from Michael: "Hello my name is Michael Legge and I am an 8th grade student at Mark Twain Elementary School. Mark Twain doesn't require students to do science fair projects but I went out and did one on my own. .....

My project is Mysterious Bacteria vs. Evil Tobacco, the effects of tobacco products on bacteria in the mouth. I was the only one to represent my school at the county level and to my surprise I got first place and my project was chosen to go to the State Science Fair in L.A. on May 2nd and 3rd.

My problem is the cost will be around $500 and with the county's current budget they will not be able to help me and I really don't want to put any more strain on the county or my family. I am attempting to raise the funds to go on my own by trying to get donations.

On Friday April 22 and Saturday April 23, I was outside of the Payless IGA Market in Copper displaying my project and attempting to raise funds to go.
I did receive donations, but am still short.

Donations may be mailed to my home. I would appreciate any donations even the smallest will help. My goal is to proudly represent Copperopolis and Calaveras County and hopefully place at the state level.

Thank you in advance,

Michael Legge"
7 Flagstone Ct.
Copperopolis, CA 95228
(209) 785-7720

A note from his Grandmother: "I believe that he is still about $300 or so short. They will be driving and with the way gas prices are going it is going to be hard to tell for sure. Then the fair is 2 days so they will have to stay nights and I am not really sure what rooms cost in LA. Whatever he can raise will certainly help, I was going to ask my boss if I could cash in some of my eto time if he doesn't get enough but I know they really don't like to do that except in an emergency. I really really appreciate your help."

You can contact his Grandmother, Cindi Bent at

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