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Poll Manager

Current polls 201 - 250 of 643
  Name None Description None Created None
New Poll suggested by viewer Would you approve of an Israeli strike on Iran? 07/08/2009 11:32 PM
National Health Plan? Has Obama gone too far? Do you feel our liberties are at risk with a Government run Health Care Plan? 07/18/2009 05:15 PM
Viewer Suggested Poll Are you confident your current health care insurance will work for you in the future? 07/27/2009 11:04 PM
Cash for Clunkers Should clunkers be spared disposal? 08/05/2009 12:12 AM
Viewer Suggested Poll! The "Golden Rule": 08/09/2009 06:29 PM
New Poll Whom do you feel is to blame more for Americans credit card mess? 08/09/2009 10:14 PM
Obama The presidents progress with the battered economy has been both praised and criticized. How well are his efforts measuring up with you? 08/10/2009 11:12 AM
Town Hall You consider the current town hall meetings 08/15/2009 06:47 PM
Cash for Clunkers 'Cash for clunkers' to end 8 PM Monday. Overall, did you like program? 08/24/2009 02:06 PM
Ted Kennedy You most remember Ted Kennedy for: 08/28/2009 10:48 PM
Taxes Should government raise taxes to deal with deficit? 09/02/2009 10:36 AM
Obamas Address to Congress Do You Think Obamas address to Congress improves chances of reform? 09/10/2009 11:04 AM
Saturdays Protest March You thought Saturdays protest march on Washington was: 09/14/2009 12:36 AM
Viewer suggested poll How much do you think the Bible influenced the Constitution? 09/20/2009 10:47 PM
Influential Women Which of these influential women do you respect most? 09/25/2009 10:46 PM
Trinitas Do you feel a compromise solution should be reached on Trinitas? 10/05/2009 10:51 AM
Obama President Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize. Deserved? 10/09/2009 09:39 AM
The Whitehouse vs Fox News White House: Will treat Fox News "the way we would treat an opponent." Do you feel this will...Remember, be nice:) 10/13/2009 12:16 AM
Angels Tree Do you feel the Redwood and Oak Trees on the CAL Fire Property should be saved in Angels Camp? 10/19/2009 10:36 AM
Wasahington DC Do you feel Washington DC executive-pay crackdown is bad for business? 10/24/2009 11:33 AM
New Poll! Your current stance on H1N1 vaccination? 10/25/2009 06:53 PM
Debate Bill Clinton, George Bush to debate at Radio City February 25, 2010....Your bet? 11/05/2009 09:59 AM
Unemployment Unemployment rises to 10.2%. Do you feel the the worst is ahead or behind? 11/07/2009 02:27 PM
Fort Hood Should Fort Hood shooting be investigated as a terrorist act? 11/12/2009 10:38 AM
Food on the table Have you ever literally had trouble putting food on the table? 11/17/2009 11:07 PM
Day After Thanksgiving What is your favorite activity for the day after Thanksgiving? 11/24/2009 12:14 PM
Tiger Woods TMZ: Tiger Woods facial lacerations from wife, not car accident. You: 11/30/2009 08:16 AM
Afghanistan Your overall opinion of Obamas Afghanistan strategy? 12/03/2009 08:14 AM
Obama and Jobs Obama outlines plan to grow jobs. You most like: 12/09/2009 11:51 AM
In the News Which news story have you been following most closely in recent days? 12/14/2009 10:38 AM
Smart Meters What is your opinion of PG&Es Smart Meters? 12/19/2009 08:05 AM
Naughty or Nice? For 2009, Santa would find you more: 12/23/2009 10:08 AM
Health Care Bill Do you feel the merging of House and Senate health bills will be: 12/25/2009 09:26 PM
Are You Ready for Some Football?! This Sundays Game.... Dallas vs. Eagles. Your Choice? 12/30/2009 03:10 PM
2010 How do you say 2010? 01/04/2010 03:37 PM
Health Care Reform How knowledgeable are you about health care reform? 01/08/2010 07:17 AM
State Budget Schwarzennegger seeks $6.9B in federal aid for CA. He will get: 01/10/2010 08:12 AM
Sarah Palin and FOX Sarah Palin signs on as Fox News contributor. You: 01/12/2010 11:48 PM
MA Senator Brown Brown wins MA Senate race. Will health care bill survive? 01/20/2010 12:10 PM
Viewer suggested lighthearted poll:) Have you ever walked out of a movie? 01/25/2010 10:34 AM
Bunk Bed Time! Do you want top or bottom? 02/01/2010 10:21 PM
Are You Ready for Some Football? Who you rooting for in the Super Bowl? 02/07/2010 01:28 PM
Iran Will we see a military strike against Iran this year? 02/08/2010 03:44 PM
Lindsay Vonn Will injured Lindsay Vonn take the Gold in the Olympics? 02/12/2010 12:50 PM
Olympics How closely do you track the Olympic medal count? 02/16/2010 08:22 PM
Politics Yahoo! Dems, Reps, Libertarian, Etc: How would you rate the performance of your own party now? 02/22/2010 07:36 PM
Next Governor Jerry Brown announces bid for California governor. Next governor? 03/03/2010 07:06 PM
Schools Some schools moving to 4-day weeks with longer days. You think: 03/09/2010 08:25 AM
CA Governor Who Has Your Vote for CA Governor? 03/14/2010 11:41 PM
Health Care Bill Think you will personally be better off under the health care bill? 03/23/2010 08:11 AM
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