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Poll Manager

Current polls 51 - 100 of 643
  Name None Description None Created None
Frog Jump! In what year was the 1st Jumping Frog Jubilee Held? 05/14/2007 08:33 PM
Congress Do you Approve or Disapprove of the job Congress is doing? 05/21/2007 11:52 PM
Summer Vacation! How will you spend your Summer Vacation? 05/25/2007 04:56 PM
College? If a high school student asked you what to do with $100,000...What advice would you give them? 05/31/2007 08:57 PM
President Thinking about all of the candidates running for President today, do you think the overall field is stronger or weaker than most years in the past? 06/06/2007 10:34 AM
Summer Vacation! Who would you rather spend your Summer Vacation with? 06/15/2007 05:28 PM
An extra hour If you had an extra hour today, which of the following would you do? 06/25/2007 10:20 AM
Independent Candidate Do you think a qualified third party independent candidate has a reasonable chance of winning the 2008 Presidential Election? 07/02/2007 10:01 PM
Answer to the World! If you could have any super power what would it be? 07/06/2007 11:46 PM
Hey all You Moms out there! How much schooling do you have to go along with your "Mom Smarts?" 07/10/2007 04:46 PM
President Thinking about the Republican Candidates Running for President...Who would you most want to watch on television for 4 years? 07/11/2007 07:52 PM
Democratic President Thinking about the Democratic Candidates Running for President...Who could you most watch on TV for the next four years? 07/17/2007 04:38 PM
Bear Valley Music Fest Do you plan to attend the Bear Valley Music Festival this year? 07/24/2007 12:14 AM
Internet Use How much time do you spend on the internet at work and home combined daily? 08/06/2007 09:32 PM
End of Summer Are you ready for Summer to be over and send those kids back to school? 08/17/2007 11:46 PM
News Where do you go for most of your daily news? 08/27/2007 11:23 AM
Tuesday Nights Debate Who do you think won Tuesday Nights Republican Debate? 09/05/2007 11:40 PM
9/11 Do you think the United States is safer or less safe today than before the 9/11 attacks? 09/11/2007 09:23 AM
Iraq War Do you think the recent increase in U.S. troops has led to major improvements in the situation in Iraq, minor improvements, or has the troop surge not made much difference at all? 09/17/2007 10:37 AM
O.J. Will O.J. Walk? 09/19/2007 10:30 PM
Hillary Which of the following best describes how you feel about voting for Hillary Clinton? 09/24/2007 11:01 PM
Big Box Do You Think Calaveras County is in need of a Big Box Store? 10/01/2007 08:44 AM
CCWD Do you think CCWD will strike? 10/09/2007 11:13 PM
Rudy Is Rudy Giuliani Your Man? 10/16/2007 10:22 AM
New Jail? Are you in favor of Measure J? 10/21/2007 10:42 PM
Trick Or Treat! What are Your Plans For Halloween? 10/29/2007 10:11 AM
Hillary Hillary Clinton is having a birthday later this week...How old do you think she will be? 11/01/2007 08:29 AM
Flu Are you planning to get a flu shot this year? 11/01/2007 08:40 AM
Trinitas How do you feel about the Trinitas Project? 11/06/2007 11:22 AM
Measure J again! How do you feel about Measure J passing? 11/07/2007 10:51 PM
Turkey Day! What is your favorite activity for the day after Thanksgiving? 11/13/2007 09:40 AM
Thanksgiving Dinner Who would you rather spend Thanksgiving Dinner With? 11/17/2007 10:34 PM
Do we still need the Urgency Planning Ordinace in Effect? Last December the county adopted an Urgency Ordinace that in effect placed a moritorium on planning and zoning changes in the county. Does the planning moritorium need to be renewed? 11/25/2007 03:06 PM
Re-Gifting Do you re-gift during the holidays? 11/27/2007 10:33 PM
Christmas Shopping How far along are you on your Christmas Shopping? 12/03/2007 09:52 PM
This Christmas How Much Do You Plan To Spend on Your Holiday Shopping This Year? 12/11/2007 05:27 PM
Hillary, Romney, Obama or Guiliani? Who do you think is smarter? 12/20/2007 07:33 PM
New Years Eve How do you plan to spend New Year's Eve? 12/25/2007 10:55 PM
Primaries What is the most important issue driving your primary vote? 01/01/2008 10:56 PM
Personal Beliefs "Thinking about the personal beliefs you hold most closely, the ones that determine how you live your life, which party best represents those beliefs?" 01/16/2008 11:51 PM
Chamber's Business of the Year Who do think should be the Chamber's "Business of the Year?" We have the Nominations... 01/21/2008 11:04 PM
Super Bowl Sunday! Who is Your Team? 01/28/2008 11:16 PM
Super Tuesday Whos Your Pick? 02/03/2008 10:52 PM
Valentine's Day What is your favorite gift to receive for Valentines Day? 02/07/2008 08:28 AM
President Who you gonna pick, Obama or McCain, if they are the nominees? 02/15/2008 04:49 PM
Wal-Mart How do you feel about Wal-Mart Approaching Angels Camp? 02/18/2008 02:15 PM
High Tech! Do you feel Calaveras County needs to bring more high tech companies to our area? 03/05/2008 06:08 PM
Public Access TV Do you feel the candidates running for Supervisor should be allowed to continue producing their own programs at Public Access TV while the Supervisor race is on? 03/13/2008 05:21 PM
Obamas Speech What did you think of Barack Obamas Speech he gave on Tuesday? 03/18/2008 10:21 PM
The Economy Have we hit bottom? 03/23/2008 10:51 PM
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Mark Twain Medical Center
Meadowmont Pharmacy
Angels & San Andreas Memorial Chapels
Bear Valley Real Estate
Gerard Insurance
Bank of Stockton
Fox Security
Bistro Espresso
Chatom Winery
Middleton's Furniture
Bear Valley Mountain Resort
Cave, Mine & Zip Lines
High Country Spa & Stove
Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway
Sierra Logging Museum Calaveras Mentoriing
Jenny's Kitchen

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