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Posted by: News_Desk on 06/17/2021 01:12 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 06/17/2021 01:58 PM
Expires: 06/17/2031 12:00 AM

Opening of Cooling Centers in Calaveras County

Calaveras County, CA...Calaveras County Health and Human Services Agency announces the opening of cooling centers countywide, Thursday through Saturday. Cooling Centers will be open June 17-19 from 11am-8pm.

Heat related illnesses, like heat stroke or heat exhaustion, happen when the body is not able to cool itself properly. When a person’s body temperature rises faster than it can cool itself by sweating, this can cause damage to the brain and other vital organs. Factors that might increase your risk of heat related illness include:
 Obesity
 Heart Disease
 Mental illness
 Poor circulation
 Fever
 Dehydration
 Sunburn
 Prescription drug use
 Alcohol use

Due to this dangerous heat, Calaveras County Health and Human Services Agency announces the opening of cooling centers countywide, Thursday through Saturday. Cooling Centers will be open June 17-19 from 11am-8pm. For assistance with transportation, call Calaveras Connect at (209) 754-4450. Cooling center locations include:

Independence Hall
1445 Blagen Road, Arnold, CA 95223

Copperopolis Armory
695 Main Street, Copperopolis, CA 95228

Murphys Fire District Training Center
58 Jones Street, Murphys, CA 95247

San Andreas
San Andreas Library
1299 Gold Hunter Road, San Andreas, CA 95249

Valley Springs
Jenny Lind Elementary School (Gym)
5100 Driver Road, Valley Springs, CA 95252

West Point
West Point Community Hall
22283 Highway 26, West Point, CA 95255

Cooling centers in San Andreas will comply with COVID-19 guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Face coverings will be required.
Calaveras Public Health reminds everyone to:
 Drink plenty of water
 Stay cool, stay indoors
 Wear light clothing and sunscreen when outdoors
 Plan outdoor activities for the cooler parts of the day
 Pace yourself
 Stay in touch with your family, friends, and neighbor’s, especially those with health conditions and the elderly
Calaveras Public Health urges people to continue to remain vigilant about the prevention of COVID-19 transmission during excessive heat. The best ways to avoid exposure to the virus are to:
 Maintain physical distancing, ideally at least 6 feet between individuals
 Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
 Wear a face covering over your nose and mouth when around others
 Get tested for COVID-19 if you develop any symptoms of COVID-19
 Get vaccinated for COVID-19

For more information about prevention and signs of heat-related illness, visit the Calaveras County COVID-19 website or go to

Event occurs on 06/17/2021 from 11:00 AM to 08:00 PM.

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