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Posted by: thepinetree on 03/21/2017 05:11 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 03/21/2017 08:19 PM
Expires: 01/01/2022 12:00 AM

Calaveras Recovers & Mennonites Complete Another Home For Butte Fire Survivors

Mountain Ranch, CA...Another successful home building project -- full of teamwork, sweat and love! After 18 months of living out of her camp trailer since the Butte Fire leveled her home in 2015, Mary Sacks walked 20 feet across a makeshift sidewalk of wooden pallets into her brand new home constructed entirely by volunteers. On Tuesday, Sack's modest home was formally dedicated by members of the Mennonite Disaster Services who had travelled from throughout Canada and the Northwest to help build Sack's home. About 40 people participated in the Bible readings, hymn and presentation of a handmade, heart-shaped quilt, and bible.

"Thank you - not just for the house, but for the opportunity to meet such inspirational people," said Sacks' dabbing tears from her eyes. "I'm really going to miss that."

Some 75 Mennonites rotated weekly in 8-person shifts to the Doster Road construction site for three months. They stayed at Camp Lodestar near Willesyville and made the 30-minute daily trek to the job site. Arrangements for their stay were coordinated by Calaveras Recovers, the official long-term recovery group made up of local non-profit, businesses, government and faith-based groups.

Using donated monies, Calaveras Recovers is also purchasing the building materials at great discount from area stores and suppliers. They are also coordinating the cement foundation pours and other subcontractors needed on each house. Currently, with the help of the Mennonites and World Renew, another regional disaster recovery group of builders, Calaveras Recovers has finished three homes for uninsured Butte Fire families. There are seven more homes under various stages of construction. The homes, around 980-square-feet each, cost less than $70,000 in supplies with nearly all of the labor donated by the faith-based groups. To make a donation to future homes, visit

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