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We provide Breaking News, On the scene fire coverage, Video and photo Event coverag. We were the first site in Calaveras County to provide you with Live "Nightly News", Weekly Board of Supervisors video coverage, summary and agenda, Event Videos, Parade Videos, Live Interviews, FREE Classifieds, "Home of the Week", "Winery of the Week",A Monthly Food & Wine Show, "Chamber Chat", "Live" coverage of local sports, "TreeTube" and more...the list goes on and on!!

We have been covering news full time since March 1, 2006, and are growing by leaps and bounds! We do not like to toot our horn...But it is time we do to help you start benefiting as an Advertiser.

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We can also add a "Video Commercial" with your Business Directory Ad. When your ad is clicked it will go to a Video Commercial about you and your business which can be provided by you or us.

We also offer several other Advertising Packages, including Run of the Site Package, Permanent Right Banner Ads, Town Page Banner Ads, Menu Item Sponsor Banner Ads, Video Commercial spots on our Nightly News, sporting events and more....You will be amazed at what you get for the price! If you are interested in any of these please contact us at 209.768.3929 or email us at and we will send out an information packet... Let's get selling!!

The Hamilton Family
PO Box 178
Avery, CA. 95224

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Thanks for helping to support the #1 News Source in Calaveras County! Without you, we would not exist.

We look forward to working together to "Help Grow Your Green!"

What Our Viewers Are Saying!

"THANK YOU ThePineTree - for your rapid reporting and updates. You were the ONLY news source that was on the ball! In the future I will ALWAYS check you first, you are now number one on my "News" links!"

"Great job keeping us informed and updated. Thank you"

"What an awesome job you've done to keep us all informed of the situation. That's why I turn to you for local news."

"Thank you Pine Tree for keeping every body up to date in real-time. We were all glued to your website & live feed. -Blooms & Things Florists."

"The Pine Tree was really the only place I could find information on this fire. You guys deserve a standing ovation for your coverage on the fire."

"Others have said it but thanks to the incredible fire response from air and ground. We are lucky to have the crews we do around here! Also thanks to for providing an incredible service to the community - everyday and also in emergency situations. We need this up to date real time information so critically in emergencies up here - again thanks!
Susan Robinson - Arnold"

"Pinetree was the only reliable source of information for us all afternoon, and it is important because we were in Murphys trying to get home to Camp Connell. Knowing what is happening at almost real time is very helpful, and a real public service. You two did a great job for us and we appreciate it. Thanks-The LaMonts-Camp Connell"

"Thank you on behalf of most of Arnold for saving us by keeping us informed."

"You guys did a great service, as with out this access, many would have been running around...."like a chicken with their heads cut off""

"We are also extremely grateful for your website, and the wonderful job you do keeping all of us informed during stressful times. Thanks to everyone for once again doing a spectacular job! Sierra Garden Center staff, Murphys."

"Ever so many thanks to everyone in the various fire agencies. Many kudos also to The Pine Tree for great up-to-date information. Profound gratitude to everyone who helped contain this fire. JC in Blue Lake Springs"

"As an owner of one of the properties that was on fire in Avery...THANK YOU to anyone and all that helped contain it and kept our houses from burning. Me, my son and daughter in law were in Reno and stayed informed by this wonderful website and cell phone calls from friends and family.
Thank God.....I shutter to think of what could have been."

"We live on Darby Russell Rd. right below Hathaway Pines. We want to thank Pine Tree so much as you gave us the most current, informative information on the fire today. Great coverage and you sure made us feel better after we knew more of what was happening. Also, a big thank you to all the people on the fire crews that responded so quickly to helping fight these fires. Bless you all!"

"Thank You for all the current updates on todays fire and road conditions. You guys are fast movers keeping all of us informed to current conditions"

"Thanks to all the fire agencies who worked so hard and fast to contain this fire. Also thanks to the pine tree for the excellent coverage and keeping us posted on everything from fire suppression to road closures. Thanks so much ,Ace Hardware Arnold staff."
"I really enjoyed your video of the mother & baby otters in Monterey. (especially since I used to live down there!) . And.......great job, you guys, for keeping us informed on the local fires on HWY 4 today. Thank you for everything."-Nancy Ward - Sequoia Woods Country Club

"Awesome job on the fire coverage and hats off to the fire guys."

"The Pine Tree did an awesome job of keeping us up to date. You should receive an award for your coverage today. Thank you very much, Amtgal"

"Great coverage guys. You are our "go to" site for everything local."

"Great video! You showed us how dangerous the situation was and how quickly the firefighters responded to the fires. You were our eyes and ears. Thanks. Joe Aquilina, Camp Connell"

"Great job on the fire coverage, really impressive and helpful. Thanks.
RY (Tamarack)"

"thanks for you coverage of the fire, it was appreciated very much"

"First let me thank you so much for what you're doing. It is so great to have real local news in our area! You're on top of it and give us fast, accurate information. The recent fire in Avery was my first experience with your site and now that I've seen it...I'm hooked! Thank you again!!!!"

"It's good to see you so current when the fire is so close. THANK YOU!"

"Great job with this live coverage, in fact with all the coverage!! You are always the first to report breaking local news, and you deserve high praise!!"

"Take care, you guys are so awesome to provide this service to our community,"

"just want to say thank you, john, for getting to the site so fast and giving us up to the minute updates. that means a lot to us in the path of the fire. so early..we need to be soooooo careful. please everyone...use your common sense"

"Thank you for the great coverage! After trying to find information from other local outlets, including the referred radio station.....I came across your site!..Keep up the good work!"
"Excellent, quick work with the fire reporting today. No one else had any information."
"We just moved to Arnold a couple of months ago. During the fire today, we had lots of smoke and ashes which is very scary! Thank you for all the information this afternoon, as we felt much safer after we watched you live stream video!...Thanks again!..CJ"

"Dear Pine -- thank you both so much for the fire coverage today. NO ONE else bothered, not the radio, tv, "emergency" AM station -- nothing. YOU were there, and here, for all of us. We are very grateful for your efforts to keep up folks "up the hill" in Arnold in touch with what was happening. Great job! Best regards...Voni & Gary Domazlicky"

"You folks are awesome! I do some part time work for a local business and when I went to check in at the end of the day, everyone's computer was on your site! Such a huge help! Thank you and God bless you all, Betty"
"All of you at The Pine Tree are great! Thank you for all of the fire news. We've lived in Arnold for seven years. During the Darby fire about five years ago the only half way decent news of that fire was a radio station (KKBN--I think) where any real news was available and not nearly so detailed as what you posted....Hats off to you and our great firemen!..Shirley & Bob Vile"
"Just wanted to let you know how much my family and I appreciate having a resource like The Pine Tree. It is a great source for local news and information!
Keep up the great work!...Jenny"

"You and John should feel quite proud of the job you did in covering the fire and keeping the community informed with your updates. The comments by readers should give you some sense of the gratitude people feel towards what you did. It was mid afternoon when my wife and I were shopping at Big Trees Market when a friend told us about the fires and highway closing. My wife's first comment to me was "Let's go home and check on ThePineTree to see what news they have of the fires." And news you did have. The updates were great and were, no doubt, of benefit to quite a lot of people. And the video you posted this morning greatly visualized the conditions at the scene. No other way to say it then to keep repeating Great Job!"

"I discovered your website only recently and so on Saturday when I was hearing all the sirens roaring through Murphys, I knew you would have news. Thank you for keeping us informed about the Highway closure and the progress of the fire. Your site is a blessing to this area and I am telling all my friends to depend on you for local news "as it happens" .."

"Great current information of the Avery fire! No one else was as fast at getting the information to us all!"

"I would just like to thank you for the fantastic coverage of the Avery Fire over the weekend. I live just off Highway 4 on Rancho Paradiso and I was on your website from 12:30 until late evening. Your site was the only news we could find on the fire and the fact that you updated so quickly AND had the live stream..........I was very grateful to have your site as a resource."

Bold Text

Created on 05/23/2006 12:58 PM by thepinetree
Updated on 06/25/2008 01:05 AM by thepinetree
 Printable Version

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