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Current polls 1 - 50 of 643
  Name Descending Description None Created None
Zimmerman Verdict Was the Zimmerman Verdict Correct or a miscarraige of justice? 07/14/2013 04:19 PM
Your Time! You spend the most time with your.... 04/15/2008 10:43 AM
Your President! Have you or do you plan to contribute money to the presidential candidate you are currently supporting? 04/29/2007 07:37 PM
Your Job! Where do you work? 04/23/2007 04:36 PM
Your Independence Day Plans? What are you doing for the 4th of July Holidays? 06/26/2006 03:47 PM
Your home! Where do you call home primarily? 04/15/2007 10:38 PM
X-Ray? Should Aiports Use Full Body X-Ray Machines? 11/20/2010 12:05 PM
Would you be in favor of Secondhand Smoke Protection ordinances within Calaveras County? As of March 2014, 5 counties and 69 cities in California have instituted laws to protect citizens from the dangers of involuntary exposure to Secondhand Smoke by requiring Smoke Free Zones within 20 feet of doorways, windows and air intakes 10/06/2014 08:00 AM
Winter Will This Winter Be Wet? 11/28/2018 06:25 AM
Will the Misery Index Make a Comeback? Will the 1970s Era "Misery Index" Make a Comeback? 06/07/2022 07:11 AM
Will Tax Lower Gas Prices? Will Governor Newsom's Tax on Oil Companies Lower Gas Prices? 12/06/2022 09:51 AM
Will Spellman Recall Succeed With Signature Gathering Underway will Recall of Supervisor Spellman Succeed 09/04/2011 08:02 AM
Will He Cut it Short? Will The President Have To Cut His Vacation Short Due To The Country's Woes and Political Pressure? 08/19/2011 08:43 AM
Will Democrats Push Biden Aside Before 2024? Will the Democrats use the Hunter & Potential Impeachment to Push Joe Aside? 09/14/2023 01:51 PM
Will Democrats Lose the House in 2020? Will push back on impeachment cause the Democratic Party to lose house majority in 2020? 12/13/2019 09:36 AM
Will Cohen Turn on Trump? Will Michael Cohen Roll Over on Trump? 06/15/2018 02:09 PM
Will 2015 Be A Great Year? Many of our local businesses have told us that they are having their best business results in years. Will the trend continue throughout 2015? 01/03/2015 08:53 AM
WikiLeaks Was WikiLeaks wrong to post secret Afghanistan war documents? 07/27/2010 10:05 PM
Whos It Gonna Be? Who will be the Democratic Nominee for 2008? 01/13/2007 09:22 AM
Whos It Gonna Be? Who do you think will be the Republican Nominee for 2008? 01/16/2007 08:17 AM
Who would win? Who do you think will win if it is Giuliani vs. Clinton? 01/22/2007 09:14 AM
Who Will Win In District 3? Who Will Take The Top Spot June 3rd? 04/28/2014 09:34 AM
Who Will Take The Oval Office? After One Convention In The Books...Who Is Your Pick For President? 07/22/2016 12:58 PM
Who Will Take The 2016 Race? With Trump now the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party who do you think will win in November? 05/03/2016 06:20 PM
Who Will Take California Can Bernie Take California From Hillary On Tuesday? 06/02/2016 08:09 AM
Who Will It Be in District Three? Who will you be voting for in the Calaveras District Three Supervisor Race. 03/27/2018 12:05 PM
Who Will It Be For Supervisor In District Three? The District Three Calaveras County Supervisor In 2015 Will Be? 10/22/2014 01:45 PM
Who Took The Rubber Match? Hillary! 10/19/2016 08:31 PM
Who Took The Rubber Match? Did Hillary Clinton Or Donald Trump Take The Debate! 10/19/2016 08:32 PM
Who Takes The House? Will The Democrats Retake The House in November? 04/12/2018 07:29 AM
Who Owns Your Water? Should Water Rights Belong To Property Owners Or The Government? 08/27/2014 12:47 PM
Who is Your Choice? Who would you choose for President? 06/12/2008 11:28 PM
Who is Too Blame? Who is Too Blame for The Government Shutdown. 01/19/2018 09:10 PM
Who is the Daddy? Who do think is the Daddy of Anna Nicole Smiths Baby girl? 02/12/2007 01:01 PM
Who Is Right? Big Or Small? What is the best way to view America? 06/20/2016 01:50 PM
Who Dislikes Comey More? After Comey's at times just plain gossipy interview which side dislikes him more? 04/16/2018 08:07 PM
White House Staffer Should White House staffer be fired over John McCain Comments? 05/13/2018 11:50 AM
Which Speech Was Better Which Woman Knocked it Out of the Park? 09/05/2012 06:18 PM
Which Party Is Least Offensive? At This Point It Seems Most Americans Are Fed Up With Both Parties. Which Party Do You Dislike The Least? 11/04/2014 08:28 AM
Which Party is Better? Which Party is Better at Actually Running Cities, Economy & Forests? 09/10/2020 10:07 AM
What Is Our Biggest Threat? What Should We Be Focusing Our Energies & Resources On? 11/30/2015 10:07 AM
What Candidate is Better? Which Presidential Candidate is more likely to promote Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness? 10/30/2020 07:52 AM
What are you doing Labor Day Weekend? What are you doing for Labor Day Weekend? 09/02/2006 01:12 PM
What about the Byway? How do you think the Ebbetts Pass National Scenic Byway will Help our area? 07/09/2006 07:22 PM
Well...If You Were Voting Today? In A Three Way Race Who Would You Choose? 01/25/2016 12:15 PM
Weinergate! How Long Until Congressman Weiner is Roasted Out of Office? 06/07/2011 11:54 PM
Wedding Dance! Which Wedding Dance are you more likely to do? 11/07/2008 11:12 PM
Water Flows Should Water Releases Be Curtailed From Reservoirs During Drought? 04/24/2015 08:15 AM
Wassergate? Will Wassergate Be Hillary's Watergate? 07/25/2016 01:43 PM
Wasahington DC Do you feel Washington DC executive-pay crackdown is bad for business? 10/24/2009 11:33 AM
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Mark Twain Medical Center
Meadowmont Pharmacy
Angels & San Andreas Memorial Chapels
Bear Valley Real Estate
Gerard Insurance
Bank of Stockton
Fox Security
Bistro Espresso
Chatom Winery
Middleton's Furniture
Bear Valley Mountain Resort
Cave, Mine & Zip Lines
High Country Spa & Stove
Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway
Sierra Logging Museum Calaveras Mentoriing
Jenny's Kitchen

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