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Posted by: News_Desk on 10/25/2022 10:45 AM Updated by: News_Desk on 10/25/2022 10:45 AM
Expires: 01/01/2027 12:00 AM

Calaveras County Tree Mortality Program

San Andreas, CA... The Calaveras County Tree Mortality Program foresters have been conducting surveys throughout the County to identify new instances of tree mortality. Surveys have been completed in the area of the County north of Big Trees Village up to the County line and an Invitation to Bid has been issued to remove over 80 dead trees that pose a hazard to County roads. Surveys have also been completed within and near the perimeter of the 2015 Butte Fire. Program foresters were alerted to the presence of trees killed by drought and bark beetle attack within that area. As a result of the survey, right of entry forms were sent to property owners with dead trees that are candidates for removal. Note that the County Tree Mortality Program can only remove dead trees that were killed by prolonged drought, insect attack or pathogens. The Program is not funded to remove fire-killed trees.

Unfortunately, the return of right of entry forms from Butte Fire property owners has not been sufficient for the County to implement a project. Unless additional forms are received by November 1, 2022 the County may be forced to abandon the project.

If you received a right of entry form, it is because a hazard tree was located on your property. If you no longer have the form you are urged to contact the County’s Tree Mortality Program Manager, Dr. Richard Harris to obtain another copy. He can be reached at (707) 685-5508 or Be aware that the County program only covers the removal of dead or clearly dying trees that could hit a County road if they fall. It does not cover removal of trees that are hazardous to PG&E power lines or trees that are in the interior of parcels and cannot reach a road.

Contact Dr. Harris if you have questions about the Tree Mortality Program or the right of entry form. Landowners can also visit the Tree Mortality Website:

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