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Posted by: thepinetree on 11/24/2013 08:37 PM Updated by: John_Hamilton on 11/25/2013 09:51 PM
Expires: 01/01/2018 12:00 AM

(Elémentaire TV) Episode 8: H - Hors D'œuvres

Angels Camp, CA....In this episode of Elémentaire TV, Dave creates a poached pear with mascarpone and toasted hazelnuts complimented with Jenny's orange sunset drink. Elémentaire is the creation of two professional cooks dedicated to helping take the mystery out of making delicious meals from scratch. Our goal is to educate through the use of culinary terms and techniques and also inspire, through the use of the freshest seasonal ingredients, all who watch to make their own meals to enjoy at home. Every Sunday Night at 8pm we will premier another, great, new episode of Elémentaire with Jenny & Dave.

Hors D'œuvres

definition: tiny snacks to stimulate the appetite

Port Poached Pear with Frangelico Mascarpone

A poached pear dessert that makes a beautiful presentation.

2 cups ruby port

½ cup sugar

½ cup water

4 small pears,

peeled and cored with stem and tops set aside for presentation.

2 one inch pieces of cinnamon stick

1 vanilla bean sliced in half

1 whole clove

6 cardamom pods

Zest of one orange

Zest of one small lemon

6 black peppercorns whole

In a small deep saucepan, bring the port to a boil to burn off the alcohol for a few minutes. Lower heat to a simmer and add sugar and water and stir till it dissolves. Add the rest of the ingredients. The liquid should just cover the pears and their tops. Cook at a gentle simmer turning them every once in a while, about 20-30 minutes till tender. Remove pears and their tops from the pan. Put the pan back on the burner over medium high heat and reduce poaching liquid till a syrupy consistency. Fill pears with mascarpone mixture, stand upright on a plate and drizzle with reduced liquid and chopped hazelnuts. Lay the top of the pair to the side of the plate or replace back on top of the pear.

Pear Filling

8 oz mascarpone

2 TBS sugar

1 TBS Frangelico or vanilla if you prefer

½ cup toasted hazelnuts


Mix the mascarpone, sugar and Frangelico in a bowl and adjust for your taste.

Orange Mist Cordial

A nice drink to go along with the poached pear.

1 oz. vodka, whiskey & orange juice

Club soda

1 orange slice

Pour the alcohol and orange juice in a shaker. Shake well. Pour over ice cubes in a glass and top with club soda. Place an orange slice on the rim.

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