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Remember Me

Posted by: Kim_Hamilton on 05/03/2009 09:36 AM Updated by: Kim_Hamilton on 05/04/2009 08:47 AM
Expires: 01/01/2014 12:00 AM

Somethin’ Fishy…Very Fishy!~by the PineTree Pedaler, Brett Loring

Hundreds of fish were a jumpin’ and a bitin’ in the pond at HundresHuIndian Rock Vineyards Saturday morning at the annual Fishing Day sponsored by the Calaveras Fly Fishers and the California Department of Fish and Game/Calaveras Fish and Game Commission. The event was attended by Game Warden Allen Gregory and Calaveras County Supervisor Merita Callaway who was on hand to cheer on anglers and to help serve lunch which was donated by Big Trees Market. The event has been held annually to......

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promote the love of fishing among children in and beyond our community. Local families as well as families from the Bay Area and the Valley eagerly were casting away as they had the pond surrounded during the 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. event.

About midway through the morning, four-year-old Abby drew a roar of amazement and awe from around the pond as she hauled in (with the help of adult) a whopping 10 pounder on her little neon green and yellow kids “toy” fishing pole! Drew, 11, had a big bite on his first cast of the morning, but the whale of a fish got away with his brand new lure as it snapped the line. Later at the end of the day on what was to be his last cast, he dropped his line in what we were told was the deepest spot of the pond. In just moments the bobber bobbed. Drew gave a calculated tug on the rod and began reeling. A Calaveras Fly Fisher assisted with a net and Drew landed a 20” rainbow! Dinner is served!

Yet another venue for fun and sport in our naturally-diverse County! Of course in the spirit of the Fisherman’s Code of Silence, I can’t give away the anglers’ secret fishing spots around here, but I thank my grandfather for instilling in me the love of fishing when he was alive and encourage you dads and moms and grandparents to find a young person and introduce him or her to the joy of fishing! We have plenty of opportunity and resources here. And if you are “hooked,” here are two venues to explore either your interest in fishing or in youth mentoring, or both: Calaveras Youth Mentoring at Phone (209) 736-6078; Calaveras Fly Fishers: Every third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Party House in Forest Meadows. Meetings open to anyone who wants to learn about fly fishing. Phone (209) 795-1054.

by Columnist Brett Loring

If you have any questions or comments for Brett, you can email him at

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