Posted by: thepinetree on 09/20/2023 04:49 PM
Updated by: thepinetree on 09/20/2023 04:49 PM
Expires: 01/01/2028 12:00 AM
Governor Newsom Calls Out Oil Industry at UN: “This is a Fossil Fuel Crisis”
New York, NY...Today, Governor Gavin Newsom addressed the United Nations Climate Ambition Summit hosted by the UN Secretary-General, highlighting California’s climate action on the world stage and calling out the oil industry for their continued lies. Watch the Governor’s address.
Below is a transcript of Governor Newsom’s full remarks:
Thank you, Secretary-General. Thank you all for the privilege of this opportunity. And the spirit of this convening around movers and doers – I come from a state of dreamers and doers. A state that has long prided itself on being on the leading and cutting edge. We love to say about California, ‘the future happens there first.’ We are America’s coming attraction.
Unsurprisingly, it was 1945 where the United Nations charter was founded in the great state of California. I say that, again, as a point of pride, and a point of consideration as it relates to the issue that brings us here today. It was just 22 years later in 1967 when then-conservative Governor Ronald Reagan began the process of leading the modern American environmental movement with the creation of the California Air Resources Board, and the first regulations of tailpipe emissions in America. Richard Nixon himself codified that effort in 1970 with the Clean Air Act.
California continued to lead by example in the 70s with energy efficiency. We led with the first fully-functioning cap-and-trade program in the United States. We continue to lead as it relates to efforts to completely transition to 100% zero-emission vehicles – the first state in America to establish a firm goal. And we also have established the most comprehensive plan to implement – we call it ‘the great implementation’ – our ambitious goals and advance our low-carbon, green-growth future.
I say all of that very mindful that if you read the newspaper or turn on your TV, that you see a state not just of dreamers and doers, but you see a state that’s burning up. A state that’s choking up. A state that’s heating up with wildfires and floods and droughts. Places, lifestyles and traditions being destroyed right in front of our eyes, despite all of that leadership, despite that ambition.
So I’m here with humility and gratitude to all of you – but particularly you, Mr. Secretary-General, for your clarity – because I think it’s time for us to be a lot more clear.
This climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. This climate crisis persists. It’s not complicated. It’s not complicated. It’s the burning of oil. It’s the burning of gas. It’s the burning of coal. And we need to call that out.
For decades and decades, the oil industry has been playing each and every one of us in this room for fools. They’ve been buying off politicians. They’ve been denying and delaying science and fundamental information that they were privy to that they didn’t share or they manipulated. Their deceit and denial, going back decades, has created the conditions that persist here today.
And so, thank you, Madame Undersecretary, for recognizing California’s effort to join the efforts of others to be more clear and concise in terms of what we’re up against and our responsibility to do more, and be more.
And I say all of that in closing with a spirit not of a closed fist, but of an open hand in an appreciation that we are all in this together, and mindful that all of us have unique circumstances, all of us have unique traditions, all of us have unique challenges. And I just offer this, Mr. Secretary-General: again, gratitude to you, not just for your position, formal authority, but exercising your moral authority and sharing voice, and your action and passion on clarifying what we’re up against. And I thank each and every one of you for the privilege of this time.
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No Subject Posted on: 2023-09-20 16:51:06By: Anonymous
More pandering and virtue signaling with your money from a metrosexual who owes his entire career to Getty Oil money.
Watch an unedited recording of todays grilling of the attorney general of the United States by Jim Jordan and his band of liars. Not a Fox, or Newsmax, or MSNBC mixed version. An unedited recording. Then tell me why in the hell anyone would want to vote for ANY Republican that endorses that sham of a committee headed by Jim "I want to see Beetlejuice with Lauren" Jordan. And now the Republicans in Congress are about to shut down the everyday business of the US Government. Why? Because they want to impeach Biden when they don't have a shred of evidence that points at any wrongdooings on his part. What, shutting down the government doesn't effect you??? Just wait and see. When you can't go to the post office, a national park, don't receive your SS check, can't use Medicare services, get you tax refund, etc., you will know who to blame. That would be the Republicans in Congress. You know, the ones led by Jordan, Gaetz, Boebert, MTG, Briggs from Az., and other assorted nut jobs. Watch an unedited recording of todays proceedings and with an honest mind and face, tell me who the fools were in that committee meeting. Why any HARD WORKING AMERICAN would want to be any part of the Republican Party, I don't know. If they have their way we, the working people, the backbone of our economy, will be shackled in chains of despair, and Big Business, and despots, will run this country. And at some future date if the Repubs have their way, we will no longer have the ability to elect WHO WE WANT TO, to positions of power in the halls of Congress. At some point in the near future if MAGA takes over, the leaders and boot lickers of that so called movement will APPOINT who runs the country. And if you think thats a good thing, just keep voting for Trump and his fellow liars.
There is no climate crisis. These Demorats are so full of sh*t and they just love to try to brainwash the American people into a panic for there own benefit. I can't wait for the Democrats to lose in 2024 so the United States can get back to the way it should be.
^Prove it ASS HOLE that there is a climate crisis. You have no facts to back it up. You are brainwashed by the liberal media and the rest of the Demorats!
^There is no hope for a brainwashed Democratic ASS HOLE like you that doesn't have a clue about a pseudo climate crisis with no facts to backup their statements.
Don't mean to pop your balloon Bucko, but if the Republicans follow through with their fact less impeachment folly, and their government shutdown, the only change we will see in '24 is that of the Democrats recapturing the house, strengthening their hold in the Senate, and the farewell to many of those Trumpster MAGA morons being booted out of government. Oh, and also with Biden winning reelection, the Dems will hold the trifecta of power. You will undoubtedly love that!!!
To the Blue Wave of '24!! Hip, hip, hoooooooooray!!
The problem isn't that the dems would control most of govt but that dems no longer believe in free and pluralistic societies.
You either agree with their world view or you must be destroyed. One could almost imagine them firing up the ovens for the "doubters" as you see what they have done to J6ers for basically trespassing violations.
I recently woke up from the 1970's, and I am trying to figure out what we did to go from the 'Earth is going into an ice age' to 'we are all going to boil to death'?
On another topic, how did George Bush Sr. ever become President? Dude was a spook for sure...
I can't wait for the Hunter Biden arraignment on Oct 3rd. This should be the beginning of the end of Bumbling Biden and the rest of the family! YEE HAW!
Oct 3rd, the arraignment, at the end of the day will be a big yawn job. Gee, another gun toting addict indicted. A plea deal will be reached, time to move on. Nothing there.
Reagan lead the environment movement and Nixon codified it. Both republicans. So all this crap that some agree with and others do not is supported by by people of both parties.
It's easier to blame others for things you don't like but it takes votes from both parties and those non-party votes to make things happen.
So our nations problems are caused by us, you included.
The Democrat Party by their policies will reduce every hard working citizen into servile citizens who can only beg for their daily allotment of vegan goo.
Anyone who goes against the grain must be destroyed. Look at how the left has turned on Elon Musk. Now they have sicked the DOJ on him and have decided he must be destroyed.
Even though he has single handedly done more to achieve what they say are their biggest climate goals.
Harvy. Rudy and Trump. What do these men have in common? They are all Sexual Predators. But don’t forget Lauren Boebert. She is right up there with the other Predators.